

还有就是什么时候用“doing sth” “to do sth” “do sth”





wish和hope: 1wish可接to do sth. /sb to do sth. /that
I wish to spend my summer holiday in Qingdao.
I wish (that) I could be a scientist.
2hope接to do sth. 或that从句. 但不接sb to do sth.

感官动词用法之一:see, hear, listen to, watch, notice, feel等词,后接宾语,再接动词原形/ 动词ing, 分别表示全过程和正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。
I hope to receive a letter from you some day.
I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听的是全过程)
I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school. (频率词)


  We saw him go into the restaurant with his wife. →
He was seen to go into the restaurant with his wife.

would like/want/feel like:
1 would like,和want类似:
◇都可接名词短语:I would like/ want another three desks.
◇都可接带to 不定式:I would like/ want to go out for a walk.
◇都可接sb,然后再跟带to 不定式: I would like you to give me a hand.

2 feel like:
◇后也可接名词短语:Do you feel like some tea?
◇后若接动词,须用动词ing形式:.take, cost, pay, spend区别:
Do you feel like having a walk? I don’t feel like drinking tea.

take /cost /spend /pay
1 It + take + sb + some time + to do sth.
It took us half an hour to cut down the tree.
2 物+cost+sb+钱: The bag cost me thirty yuan. (cost, cost, cost)
若cost后无sb, 则译作“价钱是”:The bag costs 30 Yuan.
3 人+ pay +sb + 钱+ for sth: I paid the seller 200 Yuan for the bike. (pay, paid, paid). (pay后所加内容可视具体情况取舍。)
4 人 + spend + 时间/ 钱 + on sth / (in) doing sth.
The girl spent two hours (in) searching the Internet.
The girl always spends much money on her clothes.


月:January, 一月;February, 二月;March, 三月;April, 四月;May, 五月;June, 六月;July, 七月;August, 八月;
September, 九月;October, 十月;November, 十一月;December, 十二月。

星期:Sunday, 星期日;Monday, 星期一;Tuesday, 星期二;

  Wednesday, 星期三;Thursday, 星期四;Friday, 星期五;

  Saturday, 星期六。Sunday为第一天,Saturday为最后一天。

prefer用法:prefer sth/doing sth to sth/doing sth比起…更喜欢…
prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿…也不愿…

1something, nothing, anything, everything作主语,QT主语用it.

  Something is wrong, isn’t it? / Nothing is difficult, is it?
I think Lucy can do well in the exam, can’t she?
I don’t think he will come here on time, will he?
3祈使句的QT一般用will you? 而Let’s …用shall we?
Get up now, will you? Don’t be noisy, will you?
Be quiet, will you? Please don’t talk, will you?
Let us do it now, will you? Let’s do it now, shall we?
4There be句型,QT主语用there.
There is a man working in the field, isn’t there?
There used to be a meeting on Friday, didn’t there?
There won’t be a movie in the theatre, will there?

What + 名词短语+主语+谓语!
What lazy boys (they are)! What hard work! What good news!
What a good idea! What bad weather (it is)! What a pity!
How +形容词 / 副词+ 主语+ 谓语!
How hard the work is! How fast he runs! How rude you are!
How carefully they are listening! How bad the weather is!
第1个回答  2011-12-27