
《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯丁脍炙人口的艺术精品,具有很高的可读性和艺术性.作者在作品的题材选择、人物塑造以及艺术表现手法三个方面都别具匠心,具有不朽的审美价值和艺术价值.。作者还写了伊丽莎白的几个姐妹和女友的婚事,以此与女主人公理想的婚姻相对照。小说的情节曲折,富有喜剧性,语言清丽流畅,机智幽默,是奥斯丁小说中最受欢迎的一部。 作家始终把婚姻问题放在各种社会和经济关系中去考察,使整个故事扎根于现实的土壤

"with Prejudice is the artistic high-quality goods which Arrogant" the Jan · Austin enjoys great popularity, has the very high readability and the artistry. The author in the work theme choice, the characterization as well as the art expression means three aspects has great originality, has the immortal esthetic value and the artistic value. . The author has also written Elizabeth's several sisters and girlfriend's weddings, by this and heroine's ideal marriage comparison. The novel plot is winding, rich comedic, language simple and beautiful smooth, quick-witted humorous, is which in the Austin novel most receives welcome. The writer always places the marital question in each kind of society and the economic relationships inspects, makes the entire story to take root in reality soil . She uses the clear words, the revelation bourgeoisie marriage essence nothing but is the money transaction, the benefit union.
第1个回答  2008-12-26
"Pride and Prejudice," Jane Austen is a work of art of the well-known, highly readable and artistic. The author works in the subject matter of choice, shaping the character, as well as means of artistic expression in three aspects unique ingenuity, with the aesthetic value of the immortal And artistic value.. The author also wrote a number of Elizabeth's sisters and girlfriend of marriage, with the heroine as an ideal marriage of contrast. Fiction plot twists and turns, full of comedy and language fluency Qingli, humorous wit, Austin is one of the most popular novels. Marriage has always been a writer on social issues and economic relations on an inspection tour of the whole story rooted in the reality of the soil
. She used a clear ink, revealing the essence of bourgeois marriage is nothing more than money transactions, the combination of interests.

第2个回答  2008-12-26
"with Prejudice is the artistic high-quality goods which Arrogant" the Jan · Austin enjoys great popularity, has the very high readability and the artistry. The author in the work theme choice, the characterization as well as the art expression means three aspects has great originality, has the immortal esthetic value and the artistic value. . The author has also written Elizabeth's several sisters and girlfriend's weddings, by this and heroine's ideal marriage comparison. The novel plot is winding, rich comedic, language simple and beautiful smooth, quick-witted humorous, is which in the Austin novel most receives welcome. The writer always places the marital question in each kind of society and the economic relationships inspects, makes the entire story to take root in reality soil . She uses the clear words, the revelation bourgeoisie marriage essence nothing but is the money transaction, the benefit union.
第3个回答  2008-12-26
"Pride and Prejudice," Jane Austen is a work of art of the well-known, highly readable and artistic. The author works in the subject matter of choice, shaping the character, as well as means of artistic expression in three aspects unique ingenuity, with the aesthetic value of the immortal And artistic valueThe author also wrote a number of Elizabeth's sisters and his girlfriend's marriage with the heroine as an ideal marriage contrast. Fiction plot twists and turns, full of comedy, language Qingli smooth, witty humor, is Austin's most popular novels in one.Marriage has always been a writer on social issues and economic relations on an inspection tour of the whole story rooted in the reality of the soil. She used a clear ink, revealing the essence of bourgeois marriage is nothing more than money transactions, the combination of interests.