

What are the small things that we need to do to protect the earth? Now,as our society develops rapidly, the cost of this development becomes higher and more serious. Our environment is getting worse. So some actions need to be taken to avoid the worst result.Many people think they can do nothing significantly influential because they have so little power. However, there are still some small things happeing in the daliy life where we can do properly to stop damaging the earth, such as turning the lights off when you don't use it, or taking only one piece of paper towel after washing your hands. We should also get used to not throwing the garbage everywhere especially plastic bags and electronic devices. Also not wasting paper and using more environmental friendly products. And there're many more. These details may seem nothing, but they can do a lot to the environment and the earth. So, these good habbits should be maintained and encouraged, not just for earth, but also for our future.
第1个回答  2013-11-13