


姓 名: 性 别: 出 生 年 月:
身 高: 166cm 体 重: 49kg 政 治 面 貌: 团 员
文 化 程 度: 大 专 爱 好: 旅 游, 音 乐, 看 书.
身 份 证 号 码:
家 庭 住 址:
电 话: 邮 箱:

教 育 背 景:
1992.9~1998.7 南京市柏果树小学
1998.9~2001.7 南京市第三十七中学
2001.9~2004.7 南京市女子中等专业学校 专业:文秘计算机
2005.9~2008.9 中央广播电视大学 专业:行政管理

获 奖 与 证 书 情 况:
一. 普通话水平测试等级证书
二. 计算机OSTA办公软件应用操作员证书
三. 办公软件应用中级技能职业资格证书
四. 校组织的汉字录入(五笔)比赛中获得三等奖
五. 驾驶员C1执照
工 作 经 历:
2003.9-2004.8江苏海外企业集团前台行政 离职原因:实习
2004.9-2006.2金鹰国际购物精品男装柜长 离职原因:撤柜
2006.3-2007.8南京德基广场Gianfranco Ferre导购员 离职原因:内部管理矛盾
2007.9-2008.8 珠江路IT产品店面管理与渠道大客户销售 离职原因:公司不交保险
兼 职 经 历:

自 我 评 价:

Personal Resume

Name: Sex: Date of birth:
Height: 166cm weight: 49kg political landscape: members
Education: college hobby: travel, music, reading books.
ID number:
Home address:
Tel: E-mail:

Education background:
1992.9 ~ 1998.7 fruit Park Primary School in Nanjing
1998.9 ~ 2001.7 the 37th Secondary School in Nanjing
2001.9 ~ 2004.7 Nanjing City Women's secondary professional schools: the computer secretarial
2005.9 ~ 2008.9 of the Central Radio and TV professionals: administration

And the award-winning certificate:
One. Putonghua Proficiency Test certificates
II. OSTA office computer software applications Operator Certificate
III. Office software applications mid-level professional skills qualification certificates
IV. Organization of the school's input Chinese characters (five) won third prize
Five. C1 driver license
Work experience:
2003.9-2004.8 Jiangsu Overseas Enterprise Group Chief front of the reasons to leave: internship
Golden Eagle International Shopping 2004.9-2006.2 fine men's cabinet chief reason for leaving: Chegui
2006.3-2007.8 Nanjing Techi Square Daogou Yuan Gianfranco Ferre to leave: the management of internal conflicts
2007.9-2008.8 Road IT product management and store sales channels to major clients, the reasons for leaving: the company does not pay insurance
Part-time experience:
★ in school, there are two Pizza Hut restaurants Xinjiekou central joy of the experience of part-time workers, the exercise of hard-working spirit and good communication and coordination capability for future work.

My philosophy is: in the young season, I willing to endure hardship involved, only through their enthusiasm, pro-active efforts to realize their own values, and work to make the largest contribution.
As a beginner: I have an excellent ability to learn and willing to learn, the courage to innovate and to strive for excellence; as a participant: I have an honest and credible character, full of team spirit; as a leader: I am able to work with, and decisive style , Good interpersonal communication and coordination, who have the relevant training expertise in a number of units and the company's internship and work experience and part-time, Nengren endurance, willpower, hard-working and the quality of the work of a serious and responsible, positive , Optimistic about the persistent character, the courage to face difficulties and challenges.
Sincerely hope that your company is able to provide me a platform to display their talent, but I hope to be able to join your company brings excellent value.
第1个回答  2008-12-31

兼 职 经 历:
While studying at the school, there are two Pizza Hut restaurants Xinjiekou central joy of the experience of part-time workers, the exercise of hard-working spirit and good communication and coordination capability for future work.

My philosophy is: in the young season, I willing to endure hardship involved, only through their enthusiasm, pro-active efforts to realize their own values, and work to make the largest contribution.
As a beginner: I have an excellent ability to learn and willing to learn, the courage to innovate and to strive for excellence; as a participant: I have an honest and credible character, full of team spirit; as a leader: I am able to work with, and decisive style , Good interpersonal communication and coordination, who have the relevant training expertise in a number of units and the company's internship and work experience and part-time, Nengren endurance, willpower, hard-working and the quality of the work of a serious and responsible, positive , Optimistic about the persistent character, the courage to face difficulties and challenges.
Sincerely hope that your company is able to provide me with a platform to display their talent, but I hope to be able to join your company brings excellent value.