
B cells spread to affinity

B cells extend like fishnets to capture and then draw in antigens, according to new research by Sebastian Fleire, Facundo Batista (Cancer Research UK London Research Institute, London, UK), and colleagues. The mechanism allows B cells to discern the affinities of the different membrane-bound antigens they encounter.

The interaction of B cell receptors with antigens gives birth to the immunological synapse, spurring B cell activation and antigen presentation to T cells if the antigen is sufficiently well suited to the B cell receptor. Batista's group examined the cellular changes that accompany the first moments of synapse formation.

The authors exposed naive B cells to lysozyme antigens with varying affinities for a B cell receptor and watched as the cells first spread, and then contracted inward, drawing in their captured antigens. The degree of B cell spreading depended on two factors: the amount of antigen detected by the B cell and its affinity toward the antigen.

The spread–contract mechanism may help the immune system select for B cells that produce the highest affinity antibodies to a specific antigen. "If you have a high-affinity interaction, you will see higher spreading," says Batista. More antigen will thus be aggregated, which in turn will increase B cell maturation and activation.

据Sebastian Fleire和Facundo Batista和他们的同事(来自伦敦癌症研究中心)的研究,b细胞像鱼网一样扩展开来并吸收抗原.生物机制使得b细胞可以识别它们所遇到的带有不同表膜抗原的化合力(affinity).