Hello my dear,
Thanks for your reply, I am really happy for your big concern to help me have the fund transferred out of this place. I want us to work with one faith and understanding so that we can achieve the purpose for which I contacted you for. Please we should keep any information about this transfer absolutely from third-party until we complete this transfer.
Feel free to ask me any question as far as this fund is concerned, I am assuring you that my late husband acquired his wealth in an honest way, but because of the agreement he had with the bank for onward transfer the money into a foreign account, I cannot access the money, in as much as it is still in the bank here. Besides, I cannot withstand any more the pressures coming from his relatives so that they will not kill us.
I contacted you to actually help me in every aspect of this transfer, if there is any expenses the transfer incur, you will sponsor it until the money gets into your account. Therefore, I will give you 20% out of the total fund transferred into your account.
In order to start the transfer procession, you will send your details which the bank requested from you. Kindly send the information so that I will proceed immediately to the bank for submission.
1. Your full name
2. Contact postal address
3. Phone and fax number
4. Occupation.
The bank will require your bank account information as soon as the transfer procession commenced, therefore, your bank account details will be sent by you directly to my bank.
I will send you the deposit certificate as soon as I submit your name to the bank. Please re-assure me of your readiness to help me because after submitting your name, the bank will not allow me to bring up another name. That is why you need to be assure of yourself before I submit your name.
Kindly call me as soon as you send your details: +22507143552, waiting to hearing from you today.
Have a nice day,
Joy Daku
我这两天也遇见了,不要信,我和他说中国人善良但中国人不傻。刚开始说的有板有眼,还honey honey的叫,这么大岁数了,真的是厉害,后来说他自己受伤了,中了枪伤。另外大量现金,通过快递包裹邮寄,可能会违反中国的外汇管制规定,海关一旦检查发现,就会没收现金的。
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