

  每个人都有自己的生活,每个人的生活都是与众不同、独一无二的。我喜欢我的生活, 因为生活告诉我……



  生活告诉我,他需要坚强,坚强面对生活的每一次挫折,坚强迎接生活中的每一次挑战。 没有必要因落叶而悲秋,也没有必要因一次挫折而放弃抗争,因为一花凋零荒芜不了整个春天,一次挫折荒废不了整个人生。学会坚强,学会抗争。





  Everyone has their own lives and the lives of every person is different, unique. I like my life, because life ... tell me ...

       Life told me that he needed optimism, optimism, only to make a living out of boundless vitality, optimism, only to make life colorful. Grass has not been intimidated by the invasion of rain; fish do not have water because of the impact of the Rangers; Yuner also has not been affected by the raging winds and dispersed, because they know how to face life with optimism.

       Life told me that he needs to cherish and treasure around every person who treasure every smile and treasure around every happiness. San feast as always, always smiling and we must learn how to cherish, not to regret that often accompany us.

       Life told me that he needs a strong, strong in the face of life's setbacks each time, to meet the strong life of each challenge. There is no need as a result of fallen leaves and Autumn, and there is no need to give up and setbacks as a result of a struggle, because I can not waste away to spend the entire spring, a setback in life as a whole can not be abandoned. Institute strong and learn to fight.

       Life told me that he needed love, love your parents, teachers love you, love your friends, love you all around. At the same time, and time, you will get a lot of concern and care for the many, many blessings. Let love into our lives, let us love the colorful life of the change.