
根据下面的提示,写一篇题为“How to Interview for a job”的英语短文。1.概述面试(interview)的重要性2.说明如何进行面试3.万一面试没有通过,也别灰心,应仔细寻找问题所在词数120左右 要求有中文翻译需用生词personnel人事的 resume简历 self—confident自信的 impression 印象求职高手帮忙 谢谢各位!

On the job, there are many possible sources of conflict. Conflicts with:
·fellow employees
·rules, procedures
·clients, customers
·demands of work vs personal life,family

The best way to approach a good answer is to look at if from the employers point of view---they want to be your first priority and they want you to solve problems (not bring them any). "I know everything cannot run smoothly at work all the time. When there is a conflict I usually try to determine the source of the problem and see if it can be solved. This might involve other members of the work team discussing the problem and offering possible solutions. I would then try to pick the solution which appears to have the best outcome and put it into action."

A natural follow-up to this would be: Tell me when you solved a conflict at work. So, have a brief example...a short story...to illustrate your approach. Even if not asked, you can offer your story! If it proves your point and accentuates a skill needed for the position, go with it.

Tell me about a time when you tried and failed?

Has this ever happened to you?
No one expects perfection actually, employers are more interested in your ability to cope, to learn from mistakes, and to deal with others who are less than perfect. If you have an example, certainly pick one that happened a while back, was not earth shattering in the results, and one which you learned and applied this knowledge recently.

This is a version of 'damning with faint praise' by picking an incident that was minor in scope but, since you are so wise and are always willing to learn, has taught you a valuable lesson.

What are some of the things you find difficult to do?

The interviewer is looking to determine how well you know yourself, how you react to difficult situations/tasks and credibility. Look back over your work experience for examples of challenges...speaking in public at a meeting, disagreeing with a manager over an important issue, being asked to use a software program you have not had an opportunity to learn...

These 'stories' should illustrate a lesson learned, a problem overcome or a weakness being dealt with.

"I always seem to need a day or two to prepare myself to give a presentation to department heads. When I know I have to give a report on my projects, I plan out all the details in advance and rehearse. One time, there was a problem with a supplier and I was asked to update senior management...immediately. The supply chain was crucial to the completion of an important project we had been working on for 5 months and decisions had to be made based on the information I had to prepare and present on a moment's notice. I gathered the information and presented it simply and in detail. It was much easier than I thought without the hours of concern and practice. The facts spoke for themselves. Since I understood the situation, I was able to make it clear to management and get a rapid decision. I still prefer advance notice but I know I can deliver when asked to."

What is your biggest weakness?

This is usually a chance to damn yourself with faint praise, turning what may be a weakness but is actually a strength. For example: "I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower. Some may think I take it too seriously, but I have found keep ideas on the 'back burner' usually saves time and effort in the long run."

Another tactic is to remember a true weakness...and relate how you have overcome it. It should be a small weakness...not a major character or work-related flaw. This is not the time to go into details regarding personal problems. "I was being flooded with paper and I could not keep up until I requested we try for a paper-less department, relying on email for the bulk of our communication. This not only cleared my desk considerably, improved my work rate it also greatly improved office communications."
第1个回答  2013-12-01
看看行不?呵呵。。。job Interview(求职面试)

job Interview

In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself
for the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview,so that you give yourself a little
time to relax before the interview begins.

The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if the
company or organization has rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations.

You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience. You need to have answers ready about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect.

You will also be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask questions like these. What duties will I have to do in the job? Will I be allowed to join a health insurance program? Does the company provide opportunities for further education? 求职面试



