

Dear My handsome Charlie,I can not wait anymore, I'm very excited to share the good news with you at frist time. I got the first prize of our school English speach contest. I'm very happy to get the number one. Thank you very much for your kindly teach and care every day. I am really appreciate that. Also I know this just start and there is a long way in front of me. So I will do my best. Enjoy your holiday and please say hello to your wife and your family. Thanks & B. Regards,XX亲爱的XX,我一刻也不能等待了,我要第一时间把这个好消息分享给您,我获得了咱们学校英语比赛的一等奖,我很高兴获得了第一名,但是我知道这离不开你的关怀与教诲。我知道这是刚刚开始后面还有很长的路要走,我会尽自己最大的努力的。尽情享受你的假期生活,同时请给你的妻子和家人问好。谢谢&最好的祝愿给您你的学生XX