

1、 国货想要生存首先必须有过硬的质量。以家用电器为例,国货如果不那么容易坏,不总是需要维修,且发挥功能与外货基本相同,那么以它较低的价格,应该可以吸引国人的购买。
2、 国货需要改变在人们心目中的形象。人们之所以不买国货,在很大程度上也是因为国货给他们留下了比较糟糕的印象。如三鹿奶粉,它一个厂家的问题就引发了国人对于国产牛奶的全面不信任。这也许需要比较长的时间,但这是必须做的一件事。
3、 国货还需要向外国产品学习先进的管理营销方法。这点很重要,好的产品必定出自好的工作团队,先进的管理营销理念可以带给我们一个更好的团队、更先进高效的生产流程。最终产出更高质量的产品。


Survey: people's views about products

Today's society, with China's accession to the WTO, the global economy to speed up the integration process, we have come across more and more international brands, which also triggered domestic and international brands brand competition. And a clear, we can see that the international brands in the Chinese market and increasing contrast, China closed down a factory or an acquisition. For this, we conducted a survey group.

Through our investigation, we can be very easy to find, only a small number of people that wear the brand has not made foreign brands have a face-saving.

Most people do not blindly worship a well-known foreign brands, but feel that the quality of foreign brands of goods and services better, more reassuring.

As for why the survival of domestic brands has become so difficult for the reason that most people think that there are two main reasons: First, internal management, lack of advanced production methods. Second, because not enough people to support themselves.

Moreover, our survey also showed that domestic brands to be acquired or close down such incidents, most of the people is also expressed in the hearts and feel bitter.

We can also do some analysis and reflection, the following conclusions:

1, the products you want to survive, there must be excellent quality. To household appliances, for example, if the products are not bad so easy, not always in need of repair, and functioning with basically the same as foreign goods, so as to lower its prices, should be able to attract people to buy.

2, the products need to change the image. The reason why people do not buy products, to a large extent because of their products to the left a bad impression of comparison. Sanlu such as milk powder, a manufacturer of the problem led to the Chinese people full of no confidence in the milk. This may require a longer period of time, but this is the thing to do.

3, the products also need to learn foreign advanced management methods of marketing. It is an important issue, the product must be good from the good work of the team, advanced management concept of marketing can give us a better team, more advanced and efficient production process. The final output of higher-quality products.

That is our analysis of the survey and concluded. Perhaps not perfect, but I think it could have been made to the manufacturers to provide some useful information.

Need not be very professional, I would like to thank
第1个回答  2008-12-20
Today's society, with China's accession to the WTO, the global economy to speed up the integration process, we have come across more and more international brands, which also triggered domestic and international brands brand competition. And a clear, we can see that the international brands in the Chinese market and increasing contrast, China closed down a factory or an acquisition. For this, we conducted a survey group.

Through our investigation, we can be very easy to find, only a small number of people that wear the brand has not made foreign brands have a face-saving.

Most people do not blindly worship a well-known foreign brands, but feel that the quality of foreign brands of goods and services better, more reassuring.

As for why the survival of domestic brands has become so difficult for the reason that most people think that there are two main reasons: First, internal management, lack of advanced production methods. Second, because not enough people to support themselves.

Moreover, our survey also showed that domestic brands to be acquired or close down such incidents, most of the people is also expressed in the hearts and feel bitter.

We can also do some analysis and reflection, the following conclusions:

1, the products you want to survive, there must be excellent quality. To household appliances, for example, if the products are not bad so easy, not always in need of repair, and functioning with basically the same as foreign goods, so as to lower its prices, should be able to attract people to buy.

2, the products need to change the image. The reason why people do not buy products, to a large extent because of their products to the left a bad impression of comparison. Sanlu such as milk powder, a manufacturer of the problem led to the Chinese people full of no confidence in the milk. This may require a longer period of time, but this is the thing to do.

3, the products also need to learn foreign advanced management methods of marketing. It is an important issue, the product must be good from the good work of the team, advanced management concept of marketing can give us a better team, more advanced and efficient production process. The final output of higher-quality products.

That is our analysis of the survey and concluded. Perhaps not perfect, but I think it could have been made to the manufacturers to provide some useful information.

Need not be very professional, I would like to thank