
要求:写120~150个字。题目:你认为肢体语言重要吗? 为什么? Body language is quite important in the conversation because it is more than speaking and listening. The way we sit,stand,speak,dress,and a certain kind of posture will all give others a deep impression. For example, there were some American foreigners visited Shanghai. Yet they couldn't speak Chinese. However, they were hungry. Thus, tey used their body language. The waitress realized their order. This is means body language is useful and important in our daily life.

Body language is quite important in the conversation because it is more than speaking and listening. 语法没问题,只是意思有些问题,身体语言与听和说没有可比性。...it can help us when we cannot express ourselves in words. The way we sit,stand,speak,dress,and a certain kind of posture will all give others a deep impression. 语法没问题,但是不仅是给别人深刻印象,继续上一句的意思,可以是... will all tell others even more than we expected, such as our education background, our desire, what we really think of, and help a lot when we don't speak others' language. For example, there were some American foreigners visited Shanghai. 这里语法有些问题,涉及到人的动作一般不用there be句型,而且American和foreigners放一起意思有些混乱,可选一个。 Yet they couldn't speak Chinese. 似乎用but好一些。 However, they were hungry. 可以与下一句合一起。 Thus, tey used their body language. thus关联有些问题。When they were hungry, they could use body language for help. The waitress realized their order. Luckily, the waitress could understand what they wanted to order. realize一般指认识到深层的东西,对于语言的表层意思,用understand就够了。 This is means body language is useful and important in our daily life. 这里is means属于连动了,应该去掉is