
⒈别人想知道你们打算怎样到达广州,他问?⒉你想知道对方的表弟打算如何去印度?⒊想知道对方是否会游泳,你问?⒋你想知道Gogo是否会绘画,你问Tony? ⒌你想问别人是否可以买个桃子,你问?⒍想知道Mary是否会借漫画书,你问?⒎你想对方是否能倒垃圾,怎么问?⒏你想Jenny是否会晾衣服,如何问Tony? ⒐Gogo想知道他们是否会收拾房间,怎么问?⒑你想知道对方是否喜欢数学,你问?⒒想知道Tony是否喜欢自然,如何问Gogo? ⒓你想知道别人喜欢读漫画书,怎么问?⒔想问Tom,Tom是否喜欢上网?⒕你们想知道别人是否想要一台玩具汽车,你们问?⒖你想知道Lisa是否想要一把吉他,你问Lily? ⒗她想知道他们是否想要一个滑板,她问?⒘你想知道对方是否想散步,你问?⒙想知道Tony是否想去游泳池,如何问玛丽?⒚想知道他们是否想看电影,你问?⒛想知道对方有没有餐巾,你问?21.想知道他是否有叉子,怎么问?

第1个回答  2014-09-30
How are you get to Guangzhou? We sometimes take the subway How does your brother get to Tibet? He sometimes takes the train Can you swim? No,it isn't Can Gogo draw pictures? Yes,he is Can you buy a peach? Yes,it is Cany you borrow comic books? No,it isn't Can you take out the trash? Yes,ie is Can Jenny hang up the clothes,Tony? Can they clean up the room? No,it isn't Do you like math? No,it isn't Does Tony likes science,Gogo? Do you like reading comic books? Yes ,it is Does Tom likes surf the net? Yes,it is Do you want a toy car? No,I don't Does Lisa want a guitar,Lily? Yes,she does Do they want a skatboard? Yes, they do Do you want to take a walk? Yes,it is Does Ben wants to go to swimming pool,Mary? No,he isn't Do they want to see a movie? Yes,they do Do you have a napkin? Yes,it is Does he has fork?本回答被提问者采纳