愚公移山How Yu Gong Moved Away Two High Moun -There were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were more than three hundred kilometers around and rose as high ...
《愚公移山》故事梗概英语版:一、英文版Yu Gong Moves a MountainOnce upon a time,there was an old man called Yu Gong .There were two mountains near his house.The mountains were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to other side.Yu Gong decided to move the moun...
difficult is not frightened, he dared to want to dare to say dares to do, this spirit will drive forever that we forwarded bravely!
“愚公移山”的故事英文简短版如下:Old Man Yu Gong and the MountainsOld man Yu Gong's house had two big mountains in front of it.It caused him great inconvenience.So one day he said to his family:"I have decided to move those mountains."His wife said:"This is impossible.We...
译文:Beishan a man called the old, nearly ninety years. In front of the house,Wang Wu hills and Taihang block, he determined to give them the shovel. Old man Chi Village that this is impossible, laughed at himstupid. The old man said: "I'm dead son, son died a grandson...
写作思路:主要写出愚公移山的故事。正文:Two big mountains blocked Yugong's way out. Yugong decided to move the mountain. He got the support of his family and took action immediately. Later, an old man named Zhisou objected to his move.两座大山挡住了愚公家的出路,愚公决定移山,...
译文:在北山有一个老人叫“愚公”。他年近90岁。他住在山对面。由于家门被山挡住,每次外出全家人都要绕过大山,多走很多路。 一天,愚公受不了了,就把全家人召集到一起。妻子说:“凭你的力量,连一座小山丘也移不走,何况这两座大山呢?再说,你就是能移走,那土石往哪里放呢?”愚公说:...
我们中国有一个古老的传说,被华夏儿女乐此不疲地世代传诵,这就是《愚公移山》的故事.我们不止一次地被愚公契而不舍的精神所感动,这则寓言故事虽流传了几千年,但 愚公精神仍激励着一代又一代奋发向上的炎黄子孙.“愚公移山”,大智若愚;河曲智叟,大愚若智.在太行王屋面前,嗤笑讥讽,尽烟消云散于他...
文章叙述了愚公不畏艰难,坚持不懈,挖山不止,最终感动天帝而将山挪走的故事。The article narrates the story that Yu Gong does not fear hardship, persevere, digs the mountain not only, finally moves the emperor and moves the mountain away.通过愚公的坚持不懈与智叟的胆小怯懦,以及“愚”...
今天,我读了《愚公移山》这个成语故事。这个故事讲了古代一位年近九十名叫愚公的老人,因为家门口有两座大山挡着,令一家人出入很不方便。So Yu Gong mobilized his family to remove the two mountains. In this way, Yu Gong and his sons and grandsons began to dig the mountain diligently. ...