

(A came into the room and found room cigarette flavour very heavy)
A: B, you recent how like to smoke
B: I don't know, like his cigar smoke unknowingly just didn't finished, such as less or something.
A: wow, you this is spoiling your body ah, no benefits for their smoking and wasted money.
B: I really don't know well, every time with my friends outside, the somebody else took over cigarette I lighting. Like sleepy take one is very refreshing oh. Do you want to try
C: say you don't understand it, cigarettes contains nicotine, and many other harmful substances, these things will make your body suffer from chronic damage, a long time you know why you will know that your body is inferior to others.
B: it's not, that I do now
A: I think you should now give up smoking, but what about when to suck And now I don't think of the right method.
C: if you want to quit smoking it, just with me to the stadium every afternoon jog right, running can improve lung capacity, can let the damage to your addiction slowly decrease.
B: ok, I'll try.
/ / 3 months after...
A: B, you recently turned black, feeling stronger than before.
B: ha ha, still not you owe with C every afternoon, I ran to the stadium 3000M, began feeling very laborious, run to third round of time already ran to be not moved, is C has encouraged me
C: then how do you repay me oh, I but to let you to give up smoking, everyday supervision behind you!
B: don't you like me, A I tell you, this boy, he is used to smoke his way to tell me, want to smoke when patch of water and hold on, as time passes will give up smoking.
A: you too have perseverance, I have two weeks didn't go to exercise, don't feel tired body always workouts.
C: just now is 5:30, let go jogging laps, a sweat.
B: let's go, hurry.
A: wait me A few minutes, I change my sneakers.


兴义民族师范学院(Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities)位于素有滇、黔、桂“三省通衢”之称的西南商贸重地——贵州省黔西南州首府兴义市,是“省州共建、以州为主”的一所地方性全日制本科院校。报名条件 参加贵州省高考报名的2013年(含)以后毕业的应、往届高中毕业生,且高中学业水平考试成绩...

(二)二类区域:贵阳市清镇市、修文县、息烽县、开阳县,遵义市赤水市、播州区、仁怀市、绥阳县、桐梓县、习水县、湄潭县、凤冈县、余庆县、正安县,六盘水市钟山区、水城区、六枝特区、盘州市,安顺市平坝区、普定县,黔东南州凯里市,黔南州都匀市,黔西南州兴义市,贵安新区,毕节市、铜仁市所辖非民族自治县; (三)...

地址为贵州省兴义市顶效开发区兴义路1号,邮编为562400。北校区即中心校区,兴义民族师范学院(Xingyi Normal University for Nationalities)位于素有滇、黔、桂“三省通衢”之称的西南商贸重地——贵州省兴义市,是“省州共建”的一所全日制综合类本科院校。截至2017年10月,学校占地1211亩,校舍建筑总面...
