
四、 项目申请程序
(一)所有 APEC 经济体在向相关工作组提出项目申请时,须争取两个以上经济体作共提方。
(三)工作组将审核通过并排序后的项目申请报APEC 秘书处。
(四)APEC 秘书处按前述对项目审核、分类、打分,并上传致预算委员会网站。鉴于 TILF 账户由日方出资,日对 TILF 项目审批具有较大发言权

(一)All APEC economies to the relevant working group in the project application, shall strive for a total of more than two economies mention square.
(二)Energy Working Group submitted to the concept of an application.
(三)The Working Group will review the project after sorting through and apply for the APEC Secretariat.
(四)APEC Secretariat on the project by the aforementioned audit, classification, scoring, and upload induced Budget Committee website. Given TILF account by the Japanese funded project approval date TILF have greater say
第1个回答  2013-07-04
A) all the APEC economies in the proposed project application to the relevant working group, to strive for more than two economies for a total lift.
(two) submit an application to the working group on energy concept.
(three) the working group will review by the project application report and sort the APEC secretariat.
(four) according to the APEC Secretariat to project review, classification, grading, and upload to the budget committee website. In view of the TILF account by the Japanese investment, on the TILF project approval has more right to speak
第2个回答  2013-07-04
  Four, project application process
  (a) all APEC economies to make the project application, relevant working group must strive for more than two economies a altogether.
  (2) submit to the working group on energy concept application.
  (3) working group report and sorted through the project of audit to the APEC secretariat.
  (4) the APEC secretariat, according to the audit, the project classification, grade, and upload to website budget committee. Given the TILF account funded by Japan, day of TILF project examination and approval has the bigger say