

    I would like to go on a trip abroad with myfriends for two reasons. The first reason is I could have the most fun with myfriends. I have known my friends for over 15 years, so it would be easy torelax around them and enjoy myself. The second reason is, we share the sameinterests. My friends and I like doing similar activities and sometimes whenpeople argue about where to go, but with my friends it would be easy for us todecide where to go and what to do. Therefore, for those two reasons, I wouldlike to go on a trip abroad with my friends.

    The person I would most likely go to with apersonal problem is my father for two reasons. The first reason is, well, he ismy father. I trust him. He is always there for me when I need him and he alwaysknows what to say to help me. The second reason is he has experience. My fatherhas lived through many difficult situations, so there is a good chance that anyproblem I come to him with, he has already endured. Therefore, for those tworeasons, the person I would most likely go to with a personal problem is myfather.

    The most intelligent person I know is my Grandfather. Thefirst reason is, how much he accomplished at a young age. The average student,depending on their major, would graduate university between the age of 22-25years, but my grandfather graduated university by the age of 20. In addition,he owned his own company, just one year after leaving university and 3 yearslater his company was earning him hundreds of thousands of dollars, which inthose days is equivalent to millions of dollars today. The second reason is, hecan remember almost everything he reads the first time he reads it. This is asign of an intelligent man, because Sir Isaac Newton, the man who discoveredgravity, could also remember everything he read. However, my grandfather is notas intelligent as Isaac Newton was, yet he is still the most intelligent personI know.

    I like sports, especially basketball.So I believe Yao Ming is the most important athlete in Chinese history. First,he is the tallest basketball player in China. You know what, some peoplecall him the new giant. Second, he is one of the NBA basketball players and he waspicked by Houston Rocket at the first order. And many people estimate his skillof playing basketball is amazing. Finally, he is a kind heart man, and hedevotes a lot of money to help the poor student returning school. So that’s whyI believe he is one of the most important person in Chinese history.

    One of the most interesting tourist attractionsI have been to is the Oriental Pearl Towerin Shanghai, China. The Tower reaches heights ofabout 63 floors and overlooks the entire city of Shanghai. The top floor is circular in shapeand has windows on all sides, so you can view Shanghai in 360 degrees. The main attractionis viewing Shanghai when the sun goes down,because all the lights in Shanghaiturn on and creates a wave effect and is one of the most beautiful sights Ihave ever seen. In addition, there is entertainment at the top floor to helpyou pass time while you are waiting for the sun to go down. Therefore, the Oriental PearlTower in Shanghai is one of the most interestingtourist attractions I have ever been to.

    I believe there is one advantage for thestudent and one disadvantage for the school. The advantage is the student hasthe opportunity to eat healthier. Eating healthier will give a student theenergy to play sports and help fuel the brain for studying. In addition, eatinghealthier is very good for the body and it is important to stay healthy. Nowalthough students may be healthier, it is a disadvantage for the school becausethey will lose income. Since the average person prefer a tasty meal over ahealthier meal, changing to a healthier food would result in fewer studentspurchasing from the cafeteria. Therefore, there is one advantage for thestudent and disadvantage for the school.


第1个回答  2017-02-06
第2个回答  2017-02-06


第3个回答  2017-02-06





