求一篇英语诗词 英语口语考试要朗诵 最好简单点 我基础不是很好 时间2到5分钟之间 要语言优美点的


第1个回答  2013-06-28
Farewell To Cambridge(再别康桥)
Silent I go,
As silently I com.
Silently I wave my hand
And bid farewell to the western clouds.

The golden willows on the river bank,
Are brides beneath the sitting sun;
Their flaming shadows in the wave's light
Move softly on my hart.

Green weed in soft clay,
Greenly tossing beneath the water;
In the soft waves of Cam
I am content to be a weed.

The poll under the elms shadow
Is not a clear spring,but ayainbow
Shattered among pondweeds,
Falling at last into rainbow dreams.

Who seeks dreams?Poling a long pole,
Roving through places greener then green grass,
A boat fully loaded with starlight
Sing beneath splendid stars.

Now I cannot sing aloud,
And silent are the farewell flutes;
Even the insects are silent for me
On this silent Cambridge night.
Silent I go,
As silently I com.
I wave my sleeves,
Carrying away no silk of clouds.
Cited from Contemporary Chinese Poter,edited by Robert Payne,London:routledge,1947本回答被网友采纳