
想了你!!每天都想你!!从小学6年级就开始喜欢你!!!天天想你!!日复一日!!年复一年!!到现在已经差不多4年了!!真的很想在你面前对你说一声"我喜欢你"!!! 真的很怕你会拒绝我!!

Time missin' you! Missin' you every day!! Fallen love with you since 6th grade!! Each day I miss you!!! Day by day!!!Year by year!! It's near 4 years till now!! I'm eager to speak out the words I LOVE YOU before you!!! But I'm afraid you'll reject me!!

第1个回答  2008-06-08



Missing you! I miss you everyday! I began to be fond of you when l was in my six grade! Missing you everyday! Day after day! Year after year! Four years past!! I really want to say "I'm in love with you" in front of you!!!I am so scared if you refuse my love!!
第2个回答  2008-06-08
Think you! Day you want to! Sixth grade in primary schools from the start like you! Think you every day! Day after day! Year after year! Until now has almost four years! Really In the want of you before you say "I love you"! Really Henpa you will be refused!!(够酸的!)
第3个回答  2008-06-08
I miss you !I miss you every day!!I love you since I was at Gread 6.I miss you so much ,day by day ,year by year .And it has been 4 years now !I really want to say "I love you !"to you !But I am so afraid that you will refuse me!!
第4个回答  2008-06-08
i miss you - every day. i started to like you ever since grade 6. i think about you day and night, for almost 4 years till now. i really want to stand right in front of you and tell you that "I like you", but im so afraid that you would not accept this.
第5个回答  2008-06-09

想了你-i miss you
每天都想你-i miss you everyday
从小学6年级就开始喜欢你-i like you since i was grade six
天天想你-miss you everyday
日复一日-day after day
年复一年-year after year
到现在已经差不多4年了-now is nearly four years
真的很想在你面前对你说一声"我喜欢你"-really wish to say “i like you” in front of you
真的很怕你会拒绝我-very worry that you will reject me


I miss you, everyday. Since i was grade six, you are the one that I admired. Miss you everyday. Day after day. Year after year. And now, is nearly four years. Just wish to face you, and say, “I love you”, but I am still in fear, that I will be rejected.

I love you 是我爱你。
I like you 是我喜欢你。
就看你要用love还是like了,不过还是建议love吧,因为在英文里也很少人用I like you这样的话,听起来有点怪。