帮忙下,写下英语作文,太难了,请高人帮忙 要写清楚

1.put away,after,read 2.keep,clean 3.not, take home
今天是星期六,六年三班的同学们正在西湖公园(West Lake Park)春游。请参考以下提示词,用现在进行时态描述当时的场面。词数60个左右。
5、假设你是Li Ping,昨天打篮球时不小心伤了腿,医生告诉你必须在家里休息两天。请给你的班主任陈老师写张请假条
My Travel Plan
目 的 地 Suzhou 时 间 July 21st-July28th,2009
交通工具 By plane 和谁一起 My parents,my cousin Lin Guang
携带物品 A map ,clothes,a camera,etc




1.Dear Xiao Ya,

I'm Miaomiao.How are you? I am a student from the disaster area and a new student to FuZhou now.I'm going to a school named Fuzhou Huaqiao middle school, it is a very big school. The classmates and teachers are vey nice and help me a lot. I am very happy in my new school. I hope to hear from you soon and wish you happiness.

From, Miaomiao


We have set up a small library in our classroom.We should follow the following rules:

    We should put away our books after we read them.

    We should keep the area clean.

    We shouldn't take any of the books home.

Please tell every student about these rules!

 3. Dear Diana,

  Happy Birthday ! Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party this Saturday,but I have an important test this weekend and I must work hard on this test ! I’m very sorry and I'll give your birthday present to you at school .




你发到我私信了吗 没有啊


4. My favourite holiday is Christmas, a western holiday on
December 31st. On that day we recieve presents and gifts from our friends and
family , we give out presents too. It is a very special day because children
believe in Santa Claus and want to get a present from him. Also we have
delicious food such as hot chocolate, biscuits and so on.

5.Dear Mr/Mrs.

I'm Li Ping.Unfortunately, I hurt my leg yesterday because of
playing basketball and the doctor told me to stay at home for two days and have
a rest.

I hope you can give me the permission to stay home.Thank you !

6. I'm going to Suzhou on July 21st and coming back on July the 28th , I'll
be staying there for a week. My parents , my cousin Lin Guang are coming with me
to the trip. They've never been to Suzhou before and they're very excited.We're
getting there by plane so we should be early one hour before the departure time.
Remember to bring a map, some clothes and a camera before we leave.


第1个回答  2013-07-01

写3篇行不,大侠 就是1 和 今天是星期六,六年三班的同学们正在西湖公园(West Lake Park)春游。请参考以下提示词,用现在进行时态描述当时的场面。词数60个左右。
提示词:now,swim,read,sing,dance,drink,play 还有6 大侠帮帮忙吧 太难了 都超纲了
