
Do you know S.H.E.?It's a singing group from taiwan,China.There are three lovely girls in it.they are Selina,Hebe ang Ella.Theyare very popular.
Lofs of young people like Selina because she is very beautiful.she has long straight hair.She is of medium height.Ella is really cool!She look likes a boy .she is of medium height and a little bie heavy.she slways has short staight hair and wears a jacket and pants.Many fans think she sings very well.Hebe is a nice girl.she isn't tall and she is of medium build.she has long straight hair.sometimes she weais a cute hat.

你知道SHE吗?这是来自中国台湾的一个歌唱组合。它由三个可爱女孩组成。她们是Selina,Hebe 和Ella.她们被人熟知。
第1个回答  2013-07-11
Do you know S.H.E.?你听说过SHE吗?
It's a singing group from taiwan,China.这是中国台湾的一个歌唱组合.
There are three lovely girls in it.里面有三个可爱的女生.
they are Selina,Hebe ang Ella.They are very popular.他们是Selina,Hebe和Ella.他们十分受欢迎.
Lots of young people like Selina because she is very beautiful.很多年轻人都喜欢Selina因为她很漂亮.
she has long straight hair.She is of medium height.她有一头亮而长的头发,中等的身材.
Ella is really cool!Ella真的很酷.
She look likes a boy .她看起来象个男生.
she is of medium height and a little bie heavy.她身材中等,??
she slways has short staight hair and wears a jacket and pantee.她总是留一头短而干练的头发,身穿夹克和运动裤.
Many fans think she sings very well.很多粉丝都认为她歌唱的很棒.
Hebe is a nice girl.Hebe是个漂亮的女生.
she isn't tall and she is of medium build.她不高也是小身材.
she has long straight hair.她有一头长而亮的头发.
sometimes she wears a cute hat. 有时候会带一顶可爱的帽子.
第2个回答  2013-07-11
你知不知道S.H.E,它是来自中国台湾的一个歌唱组,这个队伍里有3个可爱的女孩子。他们分别是Selina,Hebe ang Ella。他们都很流行。
很多年轻人喜欢 Selina ,因为她很漂亮,并且她又很直又长的头发,她不高不矮。Ella 很酷。她很像一个男孩子。她也是中等高度并且有点重。她一般是留着很短的直发···
第3个回答  2013-07-11
你知不知道她呢?这是一个歌唱组来自台湾, china.there三个可爱的女孩在it.they是周梁淑怡,白沙湾昂ella.theyare ,很受欢迎。
lofs年轻的人一样,周梁淑怡,因为她是非常beautiful.she已长直hair.she是中等height.ella是真的很酷!看看她喜欢的男孩,她是中等高度和小别heavy.she slways短staight头发,穿夹克和pants.many球迷觉得她唱歌很well.hebe是一个很好girl.she是不高,她是中等build.she已长直hair.sometimes她weais可爱的帽子。
第4个回答  2013-07-11
你知道SHE么?是来自中国台湾的歌唱组合,由3个可爱的女孩组成,分别是 Selina,Hebe和 Ella,非常有名。