帮我翻译成英文 杜康造酒









Dukang inadvertently created by the liquid grain brewing, decided to do Tianxiadiyi winery, has repeatedly failed after disheartened.

Dukang a solution, nine days after Dao Cunkou wait a while to the Wenzhibinbin of a scholar, Mark SILADI Dukang approached, I pre-made Jueshi drink special, to seek a drop of blood. The student to know the ceremony, a drop of blood donors.

After the event of a mighty and strong warrior, Dukang that Lai Yi, temperament豪爽heroes, a drop of Dukang obtained.

Time will have seen, but no bystanders, a process under the trees to see the mentally handicapped beggars in this for a long time, Dukang think this is fate, then a drop of blood.

Dukang will return home after the literati of the blood, the blood samurai, and beggars in the blood against the liquid, eventually into winery.

Dukang because Tuomeng Lao Shenxian inform on the 9th after the "unitary" waiting at the entrance, three drops of blood so the liquid from the word "wine." Because carers Tuomeng Dao Cunkou after waiting on the 9th, so the liquid from the Music "9."

So, when people just started to drink when they are toasting Wenzhibinbin, elegant style of conversation, the student is in the blood work. Midfielder Pai Zhuozai to drink, red blood warrior rhetoric is at work. Zaihe it is the role of beggars in the blood.
第1个回答  2008-05-21
Dukang inadvertently created by the liquid grain brewing, decided to do Tianxiadiyi winery, has repeatedly failed after disheartened.

On the 1st at a Lao Shenxian Tuomeng, tips, You Shi Dao Cunkou nine days after the trio met for three drop of blood to join the liquid, available Jueshi winery.

Dukang a solution, nine days after Dao Cunkou wait a while to the Wenzhibinbin of a scholar, Mark SILADI Dukang approached, I pre-made Jueshi drink special, to seek a drop of blood. The student to know the ceremony, a drop of blood donors.

After the event of a mighty and strong warrior, Dukang that Lai Yi, temperament豪爽heroes, a drop of Dukang obtained.

Time will have seen, but no bystanders, a process under the trees to see the mentally handicapped beggars in this for a long time, Dukang think this is fate, then a drop of blood.

Dukang will return home after the literati of the blood, the blood samurai, and beggars in the blood against the liquid, eventually into winery.

Dukang because Tuomeng Lao Shenxian inform on the 9th after the "unitary" waiting at the entrance, three drops of blood so the liquid from the word "wine." Because carers Tuomeng Dao Cunkou after waiting on the 9th, so the liquid from the Music "9."

So, when people just started to drink when they are toasting Wenzhibinbin, elegant style of conversation, the student is in the blood work. Midfielder Pai Zhuozai to drink, red blood warrior rhetoric is at work. Zaihe it is the role of beggars in the blood.
第2个回答  2008-05-21
Dukang inadvertently created by the liquid grain brewing, decided to do Tianxiadiyi winery, has repeatedly failed after disheartened.

帮我翻译成英文 杜康造酒
Dukang inadvertently created by the liquid grain brewing, decided to do Tianxiadiyi winery, has repeatedly failed after disheartened.Dukang a solution, nine days after Dao Cunkou wait a while to the Wenzhibinbin of a scholar, Mark SILADI Dukang approached, I pre-made Jueshi drink s...


“杜康造酒”出自唐代李瀚2的《蒙求》。“杜康造酒”全诗《蒙求》唐代 李瀚2王戎简要,裴楷清通。孔明卧龙,吕望非熊。杨震关西, 丁宽易东。谢安高洁,王导公忠。匡衡凿壁,孙敬闭户。郅都苍鹰,宁成乳虎。周嵩狼抗,梁冀跋扈。郗超髯参, 王珣短簿。伏波标柱,博望寻河。李陵初诗,田横感歌。武仲不休,士衡患多。

杜康:相传是最早造酒的人,这里代指酒。 青青子衿(jīn),悠悠我心:出自《诗经·郑风·子衿》。原写姑娘思念情人,这里用来比喻渴望得到有才学的人。子,对对方的尊称。衿,古式的衣领。青衿,是周代读书人的服装,这里指代有学识的人。悠悠,长久的样子,形容思虑连绵不断。 沉吟:原指小声叨念和思索,这里指对贤人的思...

翻译 传说杜康在白水康家卫开了一个酒店。东晋“竹林七贤”中的名士刘伶,以饮酒闻名天下。一天,刘伶从这里路过,看见酒店门上贴着一幅对联:“猛虎一杯山中醉,蛟龙两盅海底眠”。横批:“不醉三年不要钱”。刘伶看了,不禁哈哈大笑,心想,我这个赫赫有名的海量酒仙,哪里的酒没吃过,从未见过这样夸...



1. 麻烦大家帮我回答几道不算太难的文言文的小题造酒往米一人问造酒之 造酒往米 译文: 有一人向一家做酒的人家请教酿酒的方法。 酒家告诉他:“一斗的米,加上一两酒引(酒药子),再加上二斗的水,相互掺和,这样过了七天,就变成酒了” 然而这个人比较健忘,回家后用了二斗水,一两酒引,这这样掺和起来做...

“杜康造底”全诗《无调名 赠风翔酒郎中 渐悟集卷上》元代 马钰杜康造底。昔日文君,当垆沽底。蓦想古业毕卓,亲曾偷底。是刘伶,十分偏爱底。帝前李白曾吐底。栾巴马起慈,救火遥*底。司马相公,常常专专诫底。又争知,是郎中贵姓底。《无调名 赠风翔酒郎中 渐悟集卷上》马钰 翻译、赏析和...

