


Each kind of wireless technology's development condition as well as the future will correspond the market request according to the global scale, this article has carried on the analysis and the forecast to the mobile communication and the wide band tetherless access technology and future trend of development. because wireless communication network existence band width demand and motion network band width insufficient contradiction, user region distribution and to application demand not balanced contradictory as well as different technical superiority and insufficient coexistence contradiction, therefore, had decided the development wireless communication network needs to synthesize utilizes each technological means that embarks from the overall situation and the long-term judgment, adopts integrated the mentality plan and the construction network. Displays different technical the individuality, the comprehensive layout, the solution zones of different, the different user group to the band width and the service different demand, achieve the wireless communication network the overall superiority and the synthesizing capacity. Regarding this, our country Government Corresponding Department should also provide the sufficient frequency spectrum resources positively for the operator, provides the powerful support and the safeguard for its unified plan. key word: honeycomb migration wide band tetherless access technology, WCDMA, CDMA2000