

浪漫主义: romanticism is a movement prevailing the 19th centure in Weasterm World in literature.art music and philosophy beginning as a reaction and protest against the bondage of rules and customs of neo-classicism.It was marked and is always marked by a story reaction .It returned to nature and plain humanity for material.Itbrought about a renewed interest in medieval literature.It was also marked by sympathy for poor people and thus a deep understanding toward common people.It was a movement expression of indivdual orignality and different poets realized their variety.A dream of golden age is established against stern realities .Imagination is the key point.
自然主义: naturelism is a literary trend prevailing in the second half of the 19th century in Europe.especially France and Germany. Naturalism is an attempt to achieve fidelity to nature by rejecting idealized protrayals of lices.In literature. it can be further defined as a technique of objective view of man or a mood with frankness and accuracy.According to naturalists writes. man is shaped by hehedity and environment. over which they cannot control. They tend to show "true-to-life'description without selection. They show man'struggling for survival.

浪漫主义: romanticism is a movement prevailing the 19th centure in Weasterm World in literature.art music and philosophy beginning as a reaction and protest against the bondage of rules and customs of neo-classicism.It was marked and is always marked by a story reaction .It returne...

跪求美国文学名词解释:transcendentalism;naturalism;stream of conscio...

自然主义Le Naturalisme 文学艺术创作中的一种倾向。作为创作方法,自然主义一方面排斥浪漫主义的想象、夸张、抒情等主观因素,另一方面轻视现实主义对现实生活的典型概括,而追求绝对的客观性,崇尚单纯地描摹自然,着重对现实生活的表面现象作记录式的写照,并企图以自然规律特别是生物学规律解释人和人类社会。...

超现实主义是美国文学的 transcendentali *** ;Emerson said "What is popular called transcendentali *** among us is ideali *** "relies on the intuition and the conscrience sponsored in American cheifly by Emerso ,it became a literary movement as well as philosophic conseption.nat...

ROMANTICISM is a term loosely applied to literary and artistic movements of the late 18th and 19th cent.Characteristics of Romanticism Resulting in part from the libertarian and egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution, the romantic movements had in common only a revolt against the ...


一、美国自然主义文学的本土渊源与欧洲始源 美国农村题材文学是在工业化语境中逐渐展开的,经历了从浪漫情绪到现实情绪再到绝望情绪的历史变迁。以农业文明为基础所建构的美国民主理想和社会架构,在19世纪初中叶杰弗逊的“农业天然道德论”、泰勒的“田园共和主义”和爱默生的“自然超灵论”这些文化表征沉淀下成为美国大众...

in accordance with the scientific method of life is consistent with the actual description. French writer, naturalist theorists On the naturalist Zola said: "Do not exaggerate here, do not stress that as long as the fact that commendable and worthy of贬黜fact.The author is not a m...

1. 自然主义文学是美国文学史上一个重要的流派,它在19世纪末至20世纪初随着美国社会的快速发展而兴起。2. 这一文学运动强调对现实生活的客观描述,力图展现社会各个层面的生活,包括社会阶层、经济状况以及人的生物本能等。3. 自然主义作品中的角色往往是由他们的环境和遗传决定的,而非自由意志的产物...

自然主义产生于19世纪,它排斥浪漫主义的想象、夸张等主观因素,自认为比现实主义更真实地描写客观生活。实际上是以实证主义哲学和生物进化论来分析人,把人视为动物,认为人的品性与命运只由两种自然力量即遗传和环境决定。 自然主义小说是上个世纪前30年代美国文学对世界文学做出的最大贡献。其中以尤金·...
