

I am a Xin state of, the state of the Xin was a county in the past, called a Xin county, afterwards became a county class City, call Xin state region, the government halted ground in the Xin state, withdrew ground to establish city in the 90's, became ground class City, the full name Xin state City!
Oneself arrive to shout city to walk through N back from the Xin state, if you are to drive, you can be high-speed from the top of the Xin state, then descend high speed from the mountain Yin, then walk right jade, kill dangerous spot, can arrive inside receive, so of the route be the most short, probably 400 more kilometer, we drive to arrive for about 5 hours!Among them at right jade that piece of have a hill path, however isn't very long, 30 kilometers are or so, also don't calculate difficult walk!
If you if from inside receive to walk and turn over all right!From shouting city to come out should be walk first 209 National Freeways!
Said pretty and clearly?Moreover walk to greatly and together want to much walk more than 100 kilometer.