
His mother has written two letters to him recently
The Green have seen the movie twice
The boss made them work for twelve hours a day.
We often see her walk along the river after supper.
Do you often hear the girls sing in the next room?
I will show you the photos.
Miss Gao teaches us French in our school.
还有一句 Bill is repairing the desks and chair now

    Two letters have been written to him recently by his mother .

    The movie has been seen twice by the The Green.

    They were made to work for twelve hours a day by the boss.

    She is often seen to walk along the river after supper.

    Are the girls often heard to sing in the next room (by you)?

    Will the photos be shown to me by you?

    French is taught to us by Miss Gao in our school.

       We are taught French by Miss Gao in our school.


Bill is repairing the desks and chair now这句也不会QVQ


The desks and chairs are being repaired by Bill now.

第1个回答  2013-04-21
1 Two letters to him have been written by his mother recently.
2 The movie has been seen by theGreens twice .
3 They were made to work for twelve hours a day by the boss.
4 She is seen to walk along the river after supper by us .
5 Are the girls heard to sing in the next room by you ?
6 You will be shown by me the photos .
7 We are taughy by Miss Gao French in our school .
8 The desks and chair are being repaired by Bill now .
