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《《一堂成功、有效的课既离不开预设,也不能没有生成。特别是新课程理念下的课堂教学,怎样把预设与生成有效的结合在一起。本文针对新课程背景下的化学课堂,对预设与生成进行了研究,认为:预设是课堂教学的根,生成是课堂教学的魂。只有预设与生成的和谐统一的课堂才是充满生命活力的化学新课堂 。》》

传统的课堂教学过程注重预设,由此导致课堂教学越来越程序化、机械化。新课程针对这一 问题提出“动态生成”这一概念,强调课堂教学应该是开放的、动态生成的教学过程。
The traditional classroom teaching is excessively pay aaention on presupposition,80 lead to classroom teaching is more and more proceeding and mechanization.The new course innovation has put forward the conception of dynamic,which emphasizes the classroom teaching is a teaching procedure of exoteric an d dynamic。

But creating teaching resources are all factors helping the realization of teaching goal that cannot be preserved before a teaching activity but created dynamically in the teaching course.

第1个回答  2008-05-20
A hall succeeds, the effective class。。。。。
第2个回答  2008-05-20
《《A success, valid lesson since can not get away from to prepare to establish, also can't have no born.The classroom teaching that is under the especially new course principle, how prepare to establish with born valid of combine together.This text aim at under the new course background of chemistry classroom, carried on research towards preparing to establish with bornly, think:Preparing to establish is the root of classroom teaching, born is the soul of classroom teaching.Only prepare to establish with born harmony unify of the classroom be the chemistry which be full of life vitality new classroom》》
第3个回答  2008-05-22
供参考: 祝你好运
" A successful and effective lesson is not only inseparable from the presupposition, but also creativity. Especially under the classroom teaching of the new course innovation,
How to combine effectively the presupposition and creativity. This paper against the chemistry class under background of new course innovation, do a research on the presupposition and creativity, and it’s considered: presupposition is the base of classroom teaching, while dynamics is the soul of it. Only by a harmonious unity of the presupposition and creativity, then the chemistry classroom teaching can be filled with vitality and creativity."
第4个回答  2008-05-20
Both preseting and generation are the inseparable elements of a successful and effective class. How to unite preseting and generation is especially important in the New Curriculum classroom teaching.This paper makes a study of preseting and generaion in the New Curriculum Chemistry Teaching. The author thinks that preseting is the root of the classroom teaching and generation is the soul of the classrom teaching. Only the harmonious unity of preseting and generation can make the chemistry classroom be full of life.

第5个回答  2008-05-20
""A hall succeeds, the effective class already cannot leave supposes in advance, also cannot not produce.Specially under does the new curriculum idea classroom instruction, how in advance suppose with the production effectively unifies in together.This article in view of the new curriculum background under chemistry classroom, to supposed in advance with the production has conducted the research, thought: Supposes is in advance the classroom instruction root, the production is the classroom instruction soul.Only then supposes with the production harmonious unification classroom is in advance is full of the life energy the chemistry new classroom.""