

There is an argument that the government should be fully responsible for health care and education. There are also opinions that health care and education should be the responsibility of individuals. As far as I am concerned, I am of the latter opinion.

Traditionally, health care and education have been two areas of government’s responsibility worldwide. it is fairly reasonable to ask the government for funding. But this can bring about negative consequences in many aspects.

Since the government is financing the two areas, the service providers in the concerning areas will not have to compete for market share. Where there is no competition, there is no incentive to improve and innovate, and consequently no progress on the part of medical services and medical technology.

In a word, I believe that individuals should be held responsible for their own education and health care cost, since it is almost beyond the budget of the government to take care of all the costs, and public financing might discourage competition and reduce efficiency in the related sectors.来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2012-11-22
Nowadays, health and education have become two important issues discussed by more and more poeple. Some think the government should pay more attention to invest in the two items, while others hold the view that it is not the government's responsobility. Personnally, i prefer the former.
Firstly, education is an essential part for the development of a country, which provides the country with brilliant talents, knowledge and wealth. Meanwhile, the physical condition also plays a crucial role in comprehensive national power. To set up complete healthy and educatio system is the duty of the government and the hope of the nation, as no one want to be called "Sick man of Asia " or illiteracy.
Secondly, the purpose of people supporting a government is to get better social order and public service. Therefore it is wrong to say that it is not the government's resposibility to make investment in national health and education.
Last but not least, this a time of knowledge economy. To invest in health and education is not only the government's responsibility, but also the matter everyone should care.
All in all, both health and education make a great difference to the nation and the people themselves, thus it is everyone's resposibility to take them seriously.