

  because\x0d\x0a  because引导原因状语从句语气最强,表示直接原因,常用来回答由why提出的问题,所引导从句可放在主句前,也可放在主句后。例如:\x0d\x0a  "Why did you do it?" "Because Carlos told me to".\x0d\x0a  We can't go to Julia's party because we're going away that weekend.\x0d\x0a  Because he didn't catch the last bus, he had to walk home.\x0d\x0a  Why are you late for school ? Because I missed the first bus.\x0d\x0a  \x0d\x0a  as\x0d\x0a  as “由于,鉴于” 主从并重,从句说明原因,主语说明结果。说明比较明显的原因。多用于日常语中,常译为“由于”,从句一般放于主句前。例如:\x0d\x0a  You can go first as you're the oldest.\x0d\x0a  As you don't feel well, you had better stay at home.\x0d\x0a  As he wasn't ready in time, we went without him.\x0d\x0a  I must stop writing now, as I have rather a lot of work to do.\x0d\x0a  As it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel. As it is raining, you'd better take a taxi.\x0d\x0a  \x0d\x0a  since\x0d\x0a  since “因为,既然” 侧重主句,主句表示显然的或已知的理由。强调说话者和听者双方都知道的原因,常译为“既然”,一般用在这样的句子里。例如:\x0d\x0a  Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.\x0d\x0a  Since you are not feeling well, you may stay at home.\x0d\x0a  Since everybody is here, let's begin the meeting.\x0d\x0a  Since I am a boy, let me carry the case.\x0d\x0a  Since/As you are busy, you had better not go with us.\x0d\x0a  Since we have no money, we can't buy that vase.\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a  for\x0d\x0a  for “因为,由于”表明附加或推断的理由,引导的分句前常有逗号。for分句不放句首.是用来附带解释或说明前一分句的原因和理由。例如:\x0d\x0a  Day breaks, for the cock crows.\x0d\x0a  It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.\x0d\x0a  I won't go in, for my father is there.\x0d\x0a  He must be ill, for he is absent.\x0d\x0a  I went to see him, for I had something to tell him.
第1个回答  2017-10-15
because 最常用,用来回答以 why 开头的疑问句。
as 或 since 可以代替 because 引导原因从句,尤其是在书面语中,例如:
~This is a note about The National Portrait Gallery, as the word ‘Gallery’ can be misleading (这是关于 The National Portrait Gallery 的注释,因为 Gallery 一词容易令人误解)
~Since the juice is quite strong, you should always dilute it(这种果汁太浓,所以必须加以稀释)。
~He seemed to be in need of company, for he suddenly went back into the house(他看起来需要陪伴,因为他突然回到了屋里)。
~I'm unsocial, because of my deafness(我耳朵聋,所以不善交际)。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2017-10-15