


Since the Lancaster family and York Royal war of the roses ( 1455-1485 ), rose to become the symbol of England, England unified throughout the UK, United Kingdom, rose gradually became the British National flower. The wars of the roses, at that time on behalf of Lancaster Royal is a red rose, white rose on behalf of York Royal is. York royal power was Lancaster Royal defeated collapse, but the two sides in the war by marriage and reconciliation, so the two royal representative thereof, the two rose to be made one, a red rose white core. Then, the white Xinhong rose has become a symbol of England, has become a symbol of the United Kingdom
第1个回答  2012-11-25
Since the Lancaster royal and royal York rose war (1455-1485) on, rose becomes the symbol of England, England unified whole Britain, established the United Kingdom, rose gradually also became Britain's national flower

In the wars of the roses, when representatives of the royal Lancaster is red roses, on behalf of the royal York is white rose York royal regime was the royal Lancaster after defeats to collapse, but both sides in the post-war through intermarriage and reconciliation, so the two royal representative things, these two rose one, become Chinese bastardtoadflax red rose and white heart red rose became the symbol of England, and gradually become the symbol of the British
第2个回答  2019-10-20
Since the war of the roses (1455-1485) between Lancaster and York royal families, the rose has become the symbol of England. After England united the whole Britain and established the United Kingdom, the rose has gradually become the national flower of Britain.
During the wars of the roses, the Lancaster royal family was represented by the red rose and the York royal family by the white rose. The regime of York royal family was broken down after being defeated by Lancaster royal family, but the two sides reconciled through marriage after the war, so the representatives of the two royal families, the two kinds of roses, merged into one and became the red rose with white core. Thus, the white heart red rose became the symbol of England, and gradually became the symbol of England.