求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这段话 谢谢了

曾经我一度以为这就是我的青春。一个随意 自由的生活。可渐渐的,我发现我错了。我的父母对我越来越失望。我离他们所期待的样子也越来越远。从一些事情中。我知道了责任,我需要对自己,对家人负责。我自己做了一些改变,我不再像以前那样挥霍着我自己的青春。不负众望,我考上了大学。经历过高考后,进入了大学。这让我一下子放松了我自己,我又开始虚度了我的生活,天天无所事事。我越来越空虚,我意识到这样虚度生活带来的是未来的失败。我开始充实我自己,参加课外活动,去学习一些感兴趣的东西来充实我自己,这也是我今天站在这里的原因。
青春不是为所欲为,青春是一个改善自己,充实自己的过程。在此,我希望在场的每一个人都能意识到这一点。好好把握现在的时光,给自己创造一个美好的未来。谢谢大家。 (请大神们自己翻译,不要用软件,真心谢谢大家了,很需要这一段稿子)!!!

I used to think this was my youth, a kind of casual, free life style. But gradually ,I found myself wrong. My parents got more and more disappointed with me. I went far away from their expectations.
However, I had the sense of responsibility after some things had happened. I felt that I should be responsible for myself ,and my family. Then I made some changes, and stopped wasting my time. Fortunately, I was admitted to university afer College Entrance Examination. I felt relaxed and began wasting my life again, doing nothing all the day. I got a feeling of emptiness. I realized this will lead to the failure in my future. I restarted to live a meaningful life, taking part in activities after class, and learning some interesting things to enrich my life. This is why I'm standing here today.
Youth is not unlimited freedom ,It's a process of improving yourself and making yourself better. I hope everyone here can get to know this. Grasp your fortune, cherish your time, and make a bright future for yourself ! Thank you .
写了差不多了又不小心把网页关掉,然后又重新打字= =! 总算写完了。很认真的写的,字句都有好好斟酌,感觉还不错。希望采纳!