有关英语翻译的几个问题 急急急!!!! (英语好的人来)

1 对于美国人来说,缺乏面对面的接触和生意的成败无关,但对中国人而言,没有经常性的边吃边面谈,什么生意都做不成.
2 按照当今的惯例,如果我们的客人当中,没有人在饭桌上喝醉,就好像我们对他们不够热情.
3 许多家长只关注孩子的学业和身体,而对孩子的精神健康漠不关心.
4 推销员宣称他们的笔记本电脑质量最好,然而对这种产品到底能用多久,我们将拭目以待,因为我们相信真金不怕火炼.
5 下面是几个人的例子,这些人常常把看上去浪费的时间,充分利用起来,使之产生效率

1. For the Americans, the face-to-face contacts have nothing to do with success of a deal, while for the Chinese, no deal could be done without consequent meeting at diner table.
2. In respect to current customs, people will think we're not warm-hearted if there're nobody gets drunk at dinner table.
3. Many parents care only abount the study and physical health of their children instead of about mental health.
4.The saleman said their lap-top is the best, but we'll wait and see how long it will last because we believe only the real gold last forever.
5. The following are some case where they can utilize fully the time and make efficiency, which looks like being wasted.
第1个回答  2006-03-19
1、As for the American, the lack of face-to-face contact doesn't relate to successful or unsuccessful business. But As for the Chinese, any deal couldn't be done without the talking of face-to-face on the dining table.

2、According to current convention, if no guest gets drunk on the dining table, people would think we're not warm-hearted.

3、Many guardians only pay attention to children studies and their health, but also it is indifferent to their spirit and health.

4、The salesman declared the quality of their notebook computer is best, but how long however can use to this kind of product, we will remain to be seen how long this product is used, because we believe gold is tried in the fire.

5、The following is several people's examples. These people usually utilize fully the time thought be waste by people and cause it to have the efficiency
第2个回答  2006-03-19
第3个回答  2006-03-19
3. Many parents care only abount the study and physical health of their children instead of about mental health.
第4个回答  2006-03-19