
The fact that computer games reduce family members and friends' may be the account that young people's health condition go down 这句翻译有没有语法错误?另外中间的共处时间怎么翻?另外如果有更好的翻译,请指教

没有语法错误,但如果将共处时间翻译成名词会比较难,因为我也没学过相处的或者共处的这个形容词,但可以将它转化为动词短语,也就是“THe fact that computer games reduce family's time to get along with friends...."而且家人直接翻译为family 就好。当然也可以是你所写的句子中 friends' 后面直接加time to get along each other。至于另一种翻译,还可以将account当作动词使用,也就是在它后面加for 构成动词短语“导致,引起”来进行翻译,但还是要看该题中的题目有没有要求account 要用做名词还是动词。这只是我的个人意见。
第1个回答  2013-02-08
共处时间可以用动名词作定语修饰时间来翻译:the time sharing together with their family and friends
另外我自己试着翻译了一下。。不准嘲笑。。:The fact that computer games make the time sharing together with their family and friends shorter may be the account resulting in teenagers' physical descent.
第2个回答  2013-02-08
the fact that computer games have deprived the times families and friends enjoyed together may be the cause of descending health circumstance of adolescents
你结构对 短语表达有问题 condition 和circumstance 比 用circumstance 比较好 个人认为
第3个回答  2013-02-08
有问题。The fact that computer games reduce the time family members spend with their friends may account for young people`s health condition going down.
第4个回答  2013-02-08
The fact that computer games waste the time that we stay with our family and friends may acount the youths' health condition get worse.