
要点:1、居里夫人于1867年出生于波兰(Poland):2、她从小热爱学习并梦想成为一名科学家,一生致力于科学研究3、她与她的丈夫研究发现了两种放射性元素钅卜和镭4、1903年她和她的丈夫荣获诺贝尔物理学奖,1911年居里夫人又获得了诺贝尔化学奖5、她意志坚定、乐观、自信,一生生活简朴,却努力工作词数100左右开头:Dear tom: I'm glad to receive your letter talking about ma favorite scientists.I'm writing to share the story of a female scientist---Madame Curie with you.

Dear tom:I'm glad to receive your letter talking about ma favorite scientists.I'm writing to share the story of a female scientist---Madame Curie with you.Madame curie was born in Poland in 1867,She loved to study from childhood and dreamed to be a scientist.She took up with science all her life.She discovered two kinds of element that Ra and Po with her husband.They were awarded physics nobel in 1903,then Madame Curie was awarded chemistry nobel.Her will is determine,optimistic,confidence.Her life is simple and unadorned all her life.howecer,she worked hard.