


0, familiar with the chemical analysis and experimental instrument, for the interested to learn more professional knowledge and the current level is still a lack of discretion toconsider;
1, more than three years working experience in semiconductor industry production management, master the capacity load analysis, schedule management;
2, coordination, organization and control ability;
3, college degree or above, statistics, logistics management, industrial engineering;
4, familiar with the business. Production scheduling, production progress tracking and follow up; shipping and delivery control;
5, optimizing the work processes and management procedures, formulate the work plan, the reasonable allocation of tasks, compiling department budget and cost control.
6, semi conductor and related manufacturing industry more than two years working experience;
7, using statistical tools, QC tools, CAD and other mapping software;
8, familiar with the use of office and the basic database;
9, college degree or above, graduated from the Department of industrial engineering;
10, familiar with related knowledge of statistics, the budget.
第1个回答  2014-06-19
itchy coochie mama vanna【浪荡饥渴的舞女凡娜】

1.Couchie一词由法语单词coucher(即“上床”的意思)变形而来。在本世纪初,这个词指一些在俱乐部中扭着屁股跳具有挑逗性舞蹈女人,她们被称为"hootchie coutchie"舞者。这些舞者被大众认为道德作风不正,也被称作流浪者。Hootchie mama是"hootchie coutchie"这个词的变体,我们不能轻易称一个女人为Hootchie mama,小心被揍成猪头!

2. 女人称呼其他女人为“荡妇”时的比较委婉的“礼貌性”的用语。(女人何苦糟蹋女人那?)


I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man.我是你醉醺醺的男人(一首歌)。

itchy adj. 发痒的;渴望的(可否引申为“饥渴的”?哈哈)
第2个回答  2019-12-26
第3个回答  2020-02-03
第4个回答  2014-06-18
0、Be familiar with the use of chemistry analysation and experimental instruments. People who are interested in more professional knowledge may have considered though with a relatively weak understanding of this area.

1、An experience of production management in semiconductor industry more than three years; a proficiency in analyzing capacity load and schedule management;
2、Strongly ability in coordinating, orginizing and controlling;
3、College degree or above may be preferred, Statistics, logistics management, Industry Engineering or subjects related may be preferred;
4、Be familiar with the company's production and schedule management; tracing and fowwling up the precedures of the production; managing and controlling the shipments and delivery time.
5、Optimize departmental work flow and management programs; make the work plan for the department, reasonably assigns the tasks, compile the buget and control the cost.
6、An experience of semiconductor or manufacturing industry related more than two years;
7、Be able to use the statistical tools、seven QC methods, CAD and other graphics softwares; Be able to use the Office and basic database;
9、College degree or above may be preferred, majors of industrial engineering may be preferred;
10、Be familiar with the knowledgement of Statistics and budgets may be preferred.本回答被网友采纳