高分急求英文翻译. 回邮件用,在线等~


we are glad to hear from you
we are very satisfied with the project you bring forward
however ,we are very regret to tell you that since some objective causes,it is not convenient for us to open this communication activities,our propaganda will not be satisfatory ;
Think twice,we advice that put off this activity when the situation is stable,or this winter.
so ,what do you think?
we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
第1个回答  2013-01-03
Verypleased to receiveyour mail
We are verysatisfiedwiththeprogramyou have made;
Unfortunately,because of someobjective reasons,theinconvenienceeveryoneopentheexchangeactivities,thepublicityeffect isnotsatisfactory;
Think twice, it is recommended thatthe eventbe postponed untilthe situation is stablepoints,orthis winter.



Very pleased to receiveyour mail
We are very satisfied with the programyou have made;
Unfortunately,because of some objective reasons,the inconvenience everyone open the exchange activities,the publicity effect is no tsatisfactory;
Think twice, it is recommended that the event be postponed until the situation is stablepoints,or this winter.
Did you feel it?
We look forward to your reply.
呵呵 不好意思 楼上第二行少个词

第2个回答  2013-01-03
We are glad to receive your email, and we are very pleased with your proposal. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, it is not convenient to make this activity public, and the result of our campaign would not be ideal, either. Therefore, we suggest postponing the activity until the situation becames stable, probably this winter.
What do you think?
We are looking forward to your reply.