英语作文 你的朋友般到一个新城市,请给他的新生活提一点建议

300字左右 包括如何交友,如何学习,如何融入到当地的朋友圈 如何解决自己的坏情绪...等等!!!!各位大神!!加油啊。本人在线等...

第1个回答  2014-05-20
Allow me to welcome you on behalf of the gorgeous city my friend!You just make sure you are always full of nerves to greet them,to know what they are keen to,to develop a common interest,to know their characters,all that jazz.Ultimately you will make a good many new friends here!To adapt a strange circumstance is rather tough,maybe you are anxious or feel to be left.that's all right,most importantly for you is to have a refreshingly upbeat attitude.And you best take out your anger when you are really in a fury.Learning is always important somehow,the informative methoed to gain knowledges is learning with your partners and consult your teachers.本回答被网友采纳