

In the US, it doesn't matter much whether you come from an influencial family or whether you know someone famous like that would in other countries. Anyone who wants to be successful must rely on himself. That's why the American parents encourage their children to take part-time jobs during university or even at high schools. Part-time jobs help youngsters to be financially independent and gain experiences outside school. Interactions with all kinds of people in society also helps form better and distinguished personalities for future.
第1个回答  2013-03-31
In America, the affect of family background and personal influence is not so important as that in other countries. Anyone who wants to be successful needs to work hard.That is why many American parents encourage their children to do part-time jobs when thay are in college or even in middle school. This willnot only benefit young people in economically but also has a good influence on the formation and development of their character. Because in work, they can learn something beyond text books.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-03-31
In America.the background of family or personal effect have a less inflence than any other country in the world.Everyone who want to be succeed all have to depend on theirselves.That is why a lot of parents encourge their children to do some part~time work during the high school or college studying.It is not only help children with the society but also have an big effect on their character.Because during the work .they can learn something which you cannot get from the college leason. 很高兴为你解决问题,望采纳。
第3个回答  2013-03-31
in the USA, the family background and personal influence make further less important functions than many other countries. everyone must depend on their own efforts if he wants to succeed.This is why many American parents encourage their children to do the part-time jobs when they are in the university or even in the Junior High. This is not only benefitting the young in economics, but also good to the development of someone's characteristics. Because they can learn something out of the books during the process of work.