你们公司国庆节放几天假 英语

1 你们公司 国庆节放几天假 ?

2 我们公司 国庆节放 5 天假 ,太少了。

3 下个月我有一个5天的年假可以 休息,我想去上海旅游。

4 你想再请几天假?


1 你们公司 国庆节放几天假 ?
In your company, how many days off are for the National Day.?

2 我们公司 国庆节放 5 天假 ,太少了。
We have five days off offered by our company, it is just too few !

3 下个月我有一个5天的年假可以 休息,我想去上海旅游。
I'll five days off as my annual leave to relax, and I plan to travel to Shanghai.

4 你想再请几天假?
How many more days do you plan to take the leave ?

take the leave 请假
第1个回答  2013-03-25
楼上的是乱七八糟的中式英语,楼主不想丢人的话还是必要这么说。1.how many days off that your company takes for the national day? 2.my company just take 5 days off for the national day.it's too short. 3.I have a annual leave that I can take next month.I want to have a tour in SHANGHAI 4.how many days you want more to leave?
第2个回答  2013-03-24
1、Your company a few days off for national day?
( 你 们 公 司 ) ( 放 几 天 假 )(国庆节)
(你们公司国庆节放几天假 ?)
2、Our company is national day 5 day of vacation, too little.
(我 们 公 司)(国庆节) (放 五 天 假)(太少了)
3、Next month I will have 5 days paid vacation can take a rest, I want to go to Shanghai tourism.
4、You want to take a few days off?