
第三十九条 期货交易所保证金管理制度的内容应当包括:
第四十条 期货交易所应当按照手续费收入的20%的比例提取风险准备金,风险准备金必须单独核算,专户存储。
第四十一条 期货交易实行每日无负债结算制度。
第四十二条 期货交易实行投资者交易编码制度。期货经纪公司会员和投资者必须遵守一户一码制度,不得混码交易。
第四十三条 期货交易实行套期保值头寸审批制度和投机头寸限仓制度。

Article 39 of the Exchange margin of content management system should include:
(A) charge to members of the margin and form;
(B) account for clearing member margin of minimum balance;
(C) When the members of the Futures Exchange margin balances below the minimum balance of the disposal methods.
Article 40 should be in accordance with the Exchange's fee income ratio from 20 per cent of the reserve risk, the risk must be prepared to separate accounting, accounts storage.
The China Securities Regulatory Commission may Exchange scale of business, development plans and the potential risks decided to risk the size of the reserve.
Article 41 daily non-implementation of debt futures clearing system.
Article 42 of investors trading futures implement a coding system. Member futures brokerage companies and investors must abide by a one yards system, shall not be mixed code transactions.
Implementation of Article 43 futures hedging positions examination and approval system, and speculative position limits warehouse system