急求:英文歌(英文歌词较短,加上翻译) 谢谢.


A Little Love
Greatness as you 你是伟大的神
smallest as me 我是小小凡人
You show me what is deep as sea 你的爱像海一样的温暖深沉
A little love, little kiss 一点爱,一个吻
A litlle hug, little gift 轻轻的拥抱,一支向日葵的纯真
all of little something 所有的点滴小事
these are our memories 都是只属于我们的温存
You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑
make me feel that love is true 让我感受爱情的真实美妙
You always stand by my side 你总是陪在我身边
I don't want to say goodbye 让我习惯你的存在和怀抱
You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑
make me feel the joy of love 让我体会爱情的喜悦喧嚣
oh kissing you 让我温柔地吻你
Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给我的耐心和依靠
oh I love you 让我轻声说,我爱你
第1个回答  2013-09-03
Kelly Clarkson - My Life Would Suck Without You
凯莉.克拉克森 — 没有你的生活糟透了
Guess this means you’re sorry / 你可是想要说后悔了
You’re standing at my door / 这样出现在我的门前
Guess this means you take back / 你可是想要收回那些
What you said before / 那些曾经说过的话儿
Like how much you wanted / 你说你最不要见的人
Anyone but me / 仅我而已
Said you’d never come back / 你说你一辈子也不回头
But here you are again / 可怎么又来到我的身前Cuz we belong together now / 因为我们,破镜重圆
Forever united here somehow / 鬼使神差,一世相牵
You got a piece of me / 我中有你,你中有我
And honestly / 说真的
My life would suck without you / 没有你的生活糟透了
第2个回答  2013-09-03