

Twenty years later, I was a child host, and I took every day with my little friends in the spaceship in the universe, opening a submarine in the ocean... Travel around the world to play games and learn knowledge.
One day, I received e - mails from my watch and joined the class party in our class. I went to a pleasant cafe with a plane. I walked into the cafe and a big cake signed by 58 students was very obvious.
Oh It turned out that everyone was here, and I asked what the former classmates were doing. In addition to the original party Yue and Wang Zhiruo, now is a great poet. Zhang Anni is a dance teacher, Wang Yue is a comedian, the smell, a strict teacher. Xu Yang, a national cadre, Wei Xinyu, who is the champion of the sports meet, seems to have mixed up with me. A sweet voice is heard in my ear. It turned out to be a singer, Guo Chang. She said, "sister Bai, the big cake is not your name. Go!" I went through to write the name.
In the past a lot of time imperceptibly in the US, about 20 years after once again came to the coffee party must look at each other, what kind of.

A Classmates Reunion I’m a middle school student in Grade 8.Yesterday was Saturday and some of my classmates in primary school had a reunion at our primary teacher’s home.Our teacher taught us for four years and she treated as her own children.We loved her very much.In the...

First of all, having parties is good relaxation. After a day of hard work, we look forward to good relaxation. Having parties can meet our requirements by easing our minds and comforting our bodies because the pleasant music and pictures can keep us away from tension and fatigue....

二十年后的同学聚会这篇作文怎么写400字以上, 作文:二十年后的同学聚会 “光阴似箭,日月如梭”转眼间二十年过去了,我和小学时同学各奔东西,多年不见了,我真想和他(她)们聚一聚呀!话不多说,我立马开启电脑发了封Email到每个同学的电子邮箱里,时间定在2033年6月1日下午2点钟,在母校开同学聚会。我想到那时每...

In the past a lot of time imperceptibly in the US, about 20 years after once again came to the coffee party must look at each other, what kind of.


放下手中的工作,丢下家中的事务,从南国,从北疆,为了就是来履行着二十年前的约定,为了就是这二十年后的今天,亲爱的老师,亲爱的同学1我们终于又相聚了!此情此景,怎会不令人心潮起伏,热泪沾襟呢? 老师同学,大家相拥而泣,是相见的喜悦之泪,相聚是欢乐的,也是短暂的,就让我们尽情地享受这短暂的欢乐吧!尽情地回味...

二十年后的我们,成年了的我们,已经有了事业的我们……今天,我将去参加一个同学聚会。 上午八时,离聚会时间还有一个小时,但我已经不能再等了,坐上我的爱车,往我的母校开去。一路上,我心潮澎湃,无比激动。我在想:待会儿他们还认得出我吗?我还认得出他们吗?想着想着,车就开到了...


二十年后再相聚作文。急!急!急! 赶6月6日

pm to nine pm on Friday at the Students’ club . Everyone should prepare a little gift for Xiaoming. We'll have sing “Happy Birthday” together for Xiaoming , and then cut the birthday cake,finally we will play some games . I believe you will have a good time.yours XX ...
