
80后的朋友们有谁小时候看过的一部动画片一只可爱的小熊坐着热气球去寻宝(好像是钻石),中途遇到了像蓝精灵里的巫师一样的家伙的阻挠(形象较瘦),百般周折才取得成功,我忘记了此片的名字 有哪位热心于动画片的朋友知道这部动画片的名字,我不胜感激!

华斯比历险记 华斯比历险记
【原 片 名】The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin
【导 演】Chris Schouten
【主 演】Phil Baron / John Stocker / Will Ryan
【出品公司】DIC Entertainment
【语 言】英语
The Treasure of Grundo
Beware of the Mudblups
Guests of the Grunges
In the Fortress of the Wizard
Escape from the Treacherous Mountain
Take a Good Look
Grubby's Romance
Tweeg's Mom
The Surf Grunges
The New M.A.V.O. Member
The Faded Fobs
The Medicine Wagon
Tweeg Gets the Tweezles
The Lemonade Stand
The Rainbow Mine
The Wooly What's-It
Sign of a Friend
One More Spot
Elves and Woodsprites
Grundo Graduation
Double Grubby
King Nogburt's Castle
The Day Teddy Met Grubby
Secret of the Illiops
Through Tweeg's Fingers
Uncle Grubby
The Crystal Book
Teddy and the Mudblups
Win One For the Twipper
Tweeg Joins M.A.V.O.
The Mushroom Forest
Something In the Soup
To the Rescue
Escape From M.A.V.O.
Leekee Lake
The Third Crystal
Up for Air
The Black Box
The Hard To Find City
Octopede Sailors
Tweeg the Vegetable
The Ying Zoo
The Big Escape
Teddy Ruxpin's Birthday
Air and Water Races
The Great Grundo Ground Race
A Race To The Finish
Autumn Adventure
Gimmick's Gizmos and Gadgets
Harvest Feast
Wooly and the Giant Snowzos
Winter Adventure
Teddy's Quest
Thin Ice
Musical Oppressors
M.A.V.O. Costume Ball
Father's Day
The Journey Home
On the Beaches
L.B.'s Wedding
The Mystery Unravels