求一首圣诞歌曲,女生唱的,歌词第一句是Merry Christmas

求一首圣诞歌曲,女生唱的,歌词第一句是Merry Christmas

应该是Taylor Swift的last christmas,里面有一句merry Christmas!节奏很快

last christmas是由Wham!乐队1984年发行的单曲《Last Christmas》,其中wham!的成员中一个是大家都知道的GeorgeMichael 是主唱 ,另外一个是andrew负责伴奏和合声的,后来wham!解散了,George Michael 单飞了,唱last chrismas的时候wham!还没解散。此后有多名艺人多次翻唱此曲。以下为你们简单介绍翻唱过的艺人(不全,望完善),其中最新版的应该是2009年由FOX电视台请GLEE CAST翻唱的。


1.Rubber Band 版本

许多人以为这是BEATLES演唱的。实际上,这个版本的LAST CHRISTMAS是由丹麦的乐队Rubber Band通过仪器并使用BEATLES的声音制作出来的.很多偶然听BEATLES的人很容易被混淆.但是,在列侬已经去世的情况下,又如何去翻唱80年代如日中天的Wham!乐队的经典之作呢。选自Rubber Band96年8月20号发行的专辑《Xmas! The Beatmas》

2.Gerard Joling 版本

选自Gerard Joling 1997年的专辑《White Christmas》

3.Whigfield 版本

选自Whigfield 1997年12月9号发行的专辑《Whigfield II》

第1个回答  2013-09-01
是不是玛丽亚凯莉的Oh SantaMariah Carey - Oh Santa
Oh Santa's gonna come and make him mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make him mine, mine
Oh Santa Oh Santa
Santa's gonna come and make him mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make him mine, mine
If you get this letter won't you help me out
I know you're kinda busy with your elves right now
And I don't know how
You do the things you do while I sleep on Christmas eve
But it's amazing
And I bet that you could bring me back my baby
Because every time I see Christmas lights
I feel this burn inside and I just can't take it
I saw them shopping last week
And his new girl was so bleak
And then I swore to myself
Santa's gonna come and make him mine this Christmas night
Oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make you mine, oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine this Christmas night
Oh Santa
I heard that it's really gonna snow this year
So I hope Rudolph and them other 8 reindeer
Get you safely here
So you can scoop him up
And scoop him right down my chimney
I've been really, really, really good this year
So put on that red suit and make him appear
Make this Christmas cheer
Just ain't the same without my baby
Come on oh Kris Kringle send me help
They say it's unrealistic
But I believe in you Saint Nick
So grant this wish for me right quick
Santa won't you come and make him mine this Christmas night
Oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make you mine, oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine this Christmas night
Oh Santa Oh Santa Oh Santa Oh Santa
Santa's gonna come and make him mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make him mine, mine
Santa's gonna come and make him mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make him mine, mine
Oh Santa Claus
If you get this letter please don't make me wait
Cause all December I'll be counting down the days
So hop on your sleigh
I promise that I won't forget the milk and cookies
The trees all sparkly and gold
But inside I feel so cold
So soon as you leave the North Pole
Santa won't you come and make him mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make you mine oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make you mine oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine, mine
Santa's gonna come and make you mine oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make you mine oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine, mine
Santa's gonna come and make you mine oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine this Christmas
Santa's gonna come and make you mine oh oh oh
Santa's gonna come and make you mine, minehttp://music.qq.com/qqmusic.html?id=726848本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-01