

插曲叫 destiny
演唱:Jaci Velasquez   原唱:jim brickman   
歌词中英文对照:   what if i never knew   假使我从未认识你  
 what if i never found you   假使我从未遇到你  
 i'd never have this feeling in my heart   我心不会有如此感受  
 how did this come to be   这是怎么发生的  
 i don't know how you found me   我不知你是怎么发现的我  
 but from the moment i saw you   但从我看见你的那一刻起  
 with all my heart and soul i knew   我的全身心都已明了   
baby you're my destiny   宝贝 你就是我的命运  
 you and I were meant to be   你和我早已命中注定  
 it’s brighten in the stars   这一切在星光中闪耀  
 like initilas in our heart   就像名字铭刻于心  
 and as far as i can see   就我所能知  
 you were always meant to be   你注定永远都是  
 my destiny   我的命运
第1个回答  2013-07-28
destiny---jim brickman的 请采纳 谢谢本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-07-28
destiny 另一个名字是<爱的结晶>
第3个回答  2013-08-04