

Youth(青春) 作者:Sanyei ullman(塞缪尔.乌尔曼) Youth is not entirely a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a temper of the will,a quality of the ima-sination,a vigor of the emotions;it ia the freshness of the deep springs of life. 青春不是华丽,而是一种心态;不是玫瑰般的脸庞,红润的嘴唇和敏捷的双腿,而是坚韧意志,丰富的想象力,以及无穷的激情:青春是生命深处的一股清泉。 Youth means the tenperamental predominance of eourage over timidity,of the appeti-te of adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of sixty more than in a boy of twenty.Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years。We grow old by deserting our ideals。 青春意味着勇气多于怯弱,青春意味着喜欢冒险而讨厌安逸,拥有此类品质的人之中,60岁的老人往往多于20岁的年轻人。没有人只因年龄的增长而年老,人们往往因放弃理想而年老。 Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkle the soul。Worry doubt,self——diestrust,flear and despair——these bow the heart and tum the spirit back to dust。 岁月可使肌肤长满皱纹,但放弃激情可使心灵布满灰尘。焦虑,疑惑,猜疑,恐惧和沮丧——都会挫伤心灵,磨损意志。 Weather sixty or sixteen,there is in every human being’s heart the love of wond-er,the sweet amazement at the stars and the star like things,the undaunted challen-ge of events,the unfailing child——like appetite for what——next,and the joy of the game of living。 不管是百岁老人还是青春少年,每个人的心里皆有其喜欢的新奇事物,对星星和类似星星的东西皆有好奇之心,敢于挑战,对未知事物的孩子般的渴求之心,乐于享受生活带来的乐趣。 You are as young as your flaith,as old as your doubt,as young as your self——c-onfidenee,as old as your flear,as young as your hope,as old as your despair。 我们因充满信心而变得年轻,因心存疑虑而变得年老:因自信而年轻,因心存恐惧而年老:因充满希望而年轻,因满怀沮丧而年老。 In the eentral,place of your heart there is a wireless station,so long as it re-eives message of beauty,hope,enurage,grandeur and power from the earth,from man and from the Infinite,so long as you young。 人人心里都有一座无线电台,只要接收到来自地球、人类和宇宙的美好、希望、勇气、庄严和力量,就会变得年轻。 When the wires are all down,and all the central place of your heart are eovered with the snows of pessimism alld the ice of cynicism,then,and only then,ale you g-row old in deed。 当心灵的天线倒下,心如大雪般悲观、如冰块般愤世恨俗时,那时,唯有那时,我们将真正老去。
第1个回答  2013-07-14

作者:席慕容 所有的结局都已写好
含著泪 我一读再读
第2个回答  2013-07-14