

Through the teacher's lecture, I know: people have topursue, in order to make the dream come true. Just as Martin Ruud Kim said "with this faith, we will be able tohew a stone of hope from the mountain of despair." The teacher in a time of progress eventually succeeded, we should also learn from teachers, learn to persevere, tobreak through, to once again go beyond their own.

第1个回答  2013-07-26
From the speech, I learned that 'our dreams only come true when we have something to pursue'. Martin Luther King once said: ' with faith, we are able to pull a stone of hope out of the vally of despair.' Our teacher succeed eventually, step by step. And that is what we should learn from her/him. Never give up, always try to break through, and surpass selves as many times as we can.

美国高中生翻译还是会比有道百度好些。。- - 求赏分 打这么多不容易 你老师绝对给高分
第2个回答  2013-07-25
楼上用的是百度翻译??Through the teacher's lecture, I know that man must have pursuit, to make the dream come true. As Martin Luther King said \"with this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.\" Teacher in the progress of time and eventually succeeded, we should also learn from the teacher, learn to insist, learn to break through, to learn again and again to go beyond yourself.
