

If your cargo is less than a container loading (也可以直译为is half an container loading), the cargo will be sent to the Warehouse of Shanghai Port and be loaded into a container with the cargoes from other Suppliers. In such case, your cargo may be more easily to be damaged during the transportation. However, if your cargo is a full container loading, the cargo will be transported to the port designated by you and may not so easily be damaged.

第1个回答  2013-07-25
If cargo volume is less than container, we have to send cargo to warehouse near Shanghai port, your cargo will be consolidated with other vendor's cargo in the warehouse, if cargo goes by consolidation, cargo will be damaged easlily on transportation. If go will full container(not consolidated with other cargo), we can send cargo to your port by container, it can avoid damage(caused by consolidation).
第2个回答  2013-07-25
If only half a cabinet goods, we can only be delivered to Shanghai port warehouse, your goods will be with other suppliers of goods in containers for export, so relatively speaking in the transport process is easier to damage. But if it's a whole cabinet, we can put the goods directly to your port, so it is not easy to damage.