




我也不知道你们什么水平,瞎写啊。 (你怎么摊上我了!?)

a: so that do you think of our project? we did a pretty good job?

b; i agree. i think the presentation was impressive.

c: yes. that was good team work.

b: however i thought we could have spend more time analyzing the information and resources we found. we had two weeks before the final presentation and wasted almost half of the time gathering resources. we could have been more efficient.

c: and we should improve our communication next time if we're still a team. i mean every time i sent emails out to let you know the time and place of out meeting, none of you replied me. we need to exchange cellphone numbers so that we can talk about the project when we need to. i know everyone has different schedule and it's hard to have everyone at a meeting. but we can at least try!

a: you're right, if we had more time we'd probably figure out more arguments that are contributive. and we should have meetings in person instead of through emails. so that we can make sure everyone understands what's going on. but the out come was good and that's all counts for me. congrats! team!

a: it always take me forever to memorize those vocabularies! why is it so hard?

b: well maybe you're not remembering them in the right way.

c: yeah. i used to have to spend at least two hours a day reading the textbook and listen to tapes. so that i can first remember how to pronounce a word, and then make sure i know how to spell.

a: but i don't know how to spell! do you have any suggestion for me?

b: i can help you, i learned a program called FoxEnglish when i was little and it really helped! you first have to know how many ways a letter could pronounce and when to pronounce what. for instance, C, sounds like "s~" only when it's followed by an "e", and it sounds like "K" at other times.

A: wow! that sounds really complicated! i don't think i can remember all the 26 letters! i've tried listening to english songs or watching english movies, but it didn't seem to help.

c: you'll have to if you want to learn english well!

b; yeah just keep practicing and you'll be good at it very soon!