

楼主,您好1 court(球场)
2 man-to-man defense (一对一盯人防守)
3 zone defense(区域联防)
4 overtime (延长赛)
5 jump-shot (跳投)
6 center (中锋)
7 forward (前锋)
8 guard (后卫)
9 air-ball (篮球空心球)
10 put up (尝试投篮)
11 free-throw (罚球线/罚球)
12 block (盖帽)
13 brick (重击篮球框的球)
14 hit (撞)
15 rebound (碰到篮板弹回)
double dribble (双次运球)

get outta here!(盖帽后向人示威)
no look pass(反向传球)
behind the back pass (背后传球)
in your face(在你面前进球)
open shot (没人看管的投蓝)
clap(the board) 街球时不可以灌篮的都以手拍打篮板以示跳得高和动作漂亮 谢谢采纳!
第1个回答  2013-06-07
blocking foul:阻挡 buzzer:计时钟
charging foul:(带球)撞人 dead ball:死球
defensive basket interference防守干扰球 delay of game:阻碍比赛之正常进行disqualification:犯规到达一定次数离场 double dribble:两次运球
ejection:驱逐出场 elbowing:肘部撞人犯规
expiration 比赛结束 first half:上半场
first (second, third, fourth) period:比赛的第一(第二,第三,第四)节
five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…):时间只剩下5秒钟
hacking:打手犯规 holding:拉手犯规
foul:犯规 foul out:被罚离场
foul trouble:犯规快要达到离场次数
full timeout:全时(100秒的)暂停 goaltending:干扰球
hand-checking:推人犯规 held ball:争球
illegal defense:防守违例 illegal offense:进攻违例
jump ball:争球,跳球 loose ball foul:无球队员犯规
out of bound:球出界线 second half:下半场
overtime:加时赛,延长赛 substitute:换人(上场、下场)
technical foul:技术犯规 three-second violation:3秒违例
throw in:发球入场 walking:(带球)走步本回答被网友采纳

1、court(球场)2、man-to-man defense (一对一盯人防守)3、zone defense(区域联防)4、overtime (延长赛)5、jump-shot (跳投)6、center (中锋)7、forward (前锋)8、guard (后卫)9、air-ball (篮球空心球)10、put up (尝试投篮)11、free-throw (罚球线\/罚球)12、block (盖帽)13、brick...

1、court(球场)2、man-to-man defense (一对一盯人防守)3、zone defense(区域联防)4、overtime (延长赛)5、jump-shot (跳投)6、center (中锋)7、forward (前锋)8、guard (后卫)9、air-ball (篮球空心球)10、put up (尝试投篮)11、free-throw (罚球线\/罚球)12、block (盖帽)关于英语口...

楼主,您好1 court(球场)2 man-to-man defense (一对一盯人防守)3 zone defense(区域联防)4 overtime (延长赛)5 jump-shot (跳投)6 center (中锋)7 forward (前锋)8 guard (后卫)9 air-ball (篮球空心球)10 put up (尝试投篮)11 free-throw (罚球线\/罚球)12 block (盖帽)13 brick...

(slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb)fade-away shot:后仰式跳投 hook shot:钩射投篮 jump shot:跳投 layup:带球上篮 perimeter shot:中距离投篮 set shot:立定投篮 three-point shot:三分球 assist:助功 block shot:阻攻,盖帽 defensive rebound:防...

篮球场上的英语常用语和单词,条目化整理如下:1. 球场 playing court 2. 罚球线 free throw line 3. 违例 violation 4. 掩护 screen 5. 篮球 basketball 6. 罚球区 free throw lane 7. 投篮 goal throw 8. 两次运球 double dribble 9. 边线 side line 10. 三分线 three point line 11. ...

NBA场上的一些专用术语(英文):犯规:Foul 走步:Walking 盖帽:Blocks 抢断:Steals 助攻:Assists 跳投:Jump shot 后仰:fade away 三不沾:air ball 出界:Out of bound 上篮:layup 掩护:Screen 挡拆顺下:Roll in 攻防转换:transition 挡拆:Pick and roll 半场紧逼:Half-court press 区域...

shoot 传球 pass 篮板 rebound 篮筐 basket 你能摸到篮筐么 could you touch the rim 运球 dribble 胯下运球 crossover 失误 turnover 助攻 assist 扣篮 dunk 抢断 steal 盖帽 block 空中接力 alley oop 犯规 foul 回场违例 backcourt 二次运球违例 double drible 技术犯规 technical foul 犯规罚下 foul...

篮球场上常用的英语口语包括:1. 问候和基本短语:- "Hello, good to see you on the court!"- "Let's do this!"- "Keep it up, guys!"- "Good game, everyone!"2. 鼓励和支持:- "You got this!"- "Believe in yourself!"- "Take the shot!"- "Great effort!"- "Keep pushing...

球场-court 前锋-forwards 后卫-guards 中锋-center 后场-backcourt 前场-frontcourt 得分后卫-point guard 组织后卫-shooting guard 大前锋-power forward 小前锋-small forward 篮框-rim,basket 争球-jump ball 攻方-offense 守方-defence 计时器-shot clock 打成平分-tie 加时赛-over...

1.shoot!soon!2.pass me the ball 3.What's your position?4.Let's play games.3 men one team.4 balls one game.5.Hey man,look at you.Are your always blocked?6.It's a foul!7.Hey~~he traveled!8.Let me kick off~~9.He haven't kick off!10.you defence the man 11....
