
摘 要

方法: 膳食调查是公共营养师常用的工作技能。为了了解不同个体和人群的膳食习惯,包括摄入的食物品种及每日食物中所能摄取的各种营养素的量,营养工作者需要选择适当的膳食调查方法对有关人群进行膳食调查。常用的膳食调查方法包括:24小时回顾法、24小时回顾法和膳食史结合法、记账法、称重法。无论采取那一种方法对食物的摄入量都是一个估计。准确的认识食品和估计食物的质量是提高膳食调查准确度的重要问题。因此合适和正确的方法对调查结果准确性的保证。
结果: 婴幼儿营养状况影响一辈子的健康状况,如婴幼儿营养不良不仅造成体重减轻、身材矮小,而且影响其智力和免疫功能。而营养过剩也会导致成人心血管疾病、糖尿病、高血压等疾患,所以,合理的营养对婴幼儿来讲至关重要。
结论: 营养的合理与否是孩子今后德、智、体全面发展的关键所在。所谓合理喂养就是保持营养素的平衡,满足婴儿机体生长发育的需要。

关 键 词:婴幼儿;饮食;健康;营养

Abstract Objective: to infant nutrition security, direct you to scientific feeding, help the main feeding people to establish a correct concept of feeding, build good home food environment, to promote the rational feeding infants and healthy development, and lay a good foundation for the establishment of healthy dietary behavior for children. Methods: a dietary survey is public nutritionist common work skills. In order to understand the different individuals and groups of dietary habits, including a variety of nutritional intake can varieties of food and daily food intake in the voxel volume, nutrition workers need to select the appropriate dietary survey method was applied to investigate the relevant population. Including dietary survey methods: 24 hours, 24 hour recall method recall method and diet history knot legitimate, bookkeeping, weighing method. Regardless of the method take the intake of food is an estimate. Quality awareness of food and food accurate estimation is important to improve dietary survey accuracy. Therefore a suitable method and correct the results of the survey accuracy guarantee. Although, there are many methods of dietary survey (method), but the real for infants (special groups) method of diet survey, there are two. One is the review of 24h method, the other is a dietary history. Results: the nutrition status of infants effects of a lifetime of health status, such as infant malnutrition not only cause weight loss, short stature, but also affects its intelligence and immune function. The excess nutrients will lead to adult cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases, so, good nutrition is essential for infants and young children in terms of. Conclusion: nutrition is reasonable or not is the key to the child in the future moral education, all-round development of the. The so-called reasonable feeding is to keep the balance of nutrients, to meet the needs of the baby body growth. Key words: infant diet; nutrition; health;